Billy Baldwin says that Brother Alec, a 8 -year -old father, once made fun of him for having three children

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Billy Baldwin has revealed that his brother Alec Baldwin, who is now eight -year -old father, once mocked him for having three children.

The 61 -year -old actor shared the story about his older brother during an interview with the New York Post Thursday. He pointed out that before he and his wife, Chynna Phillips, welcomed his third son, Alec made fun of him.

“I remember when [Alec] He made fun of me when Chynna and I were pregnant with our third son, ”he told the publication. “He said: 'What are you, dad?' Because my mother and my father had six children. ”

Billy, however, said that when Alec began his family with his second wife Hilaria, with whom he now has seven children, made his own joke about him 30 rocks alum.

When he “married again and had a son of three, four, five, six,” added the actor, who is promoting his new film. No addressaggregate. “And I said: 'What are you, Anthony Quinn?' That is a joke because actor Anthony Quinn when he was [82] I had a son. Tony Randall had a son like 75.

Even so, Billy acknowledged that no matter how many children a person can have, people's lives completely change when they become parents.

Billy Baldwin said his brother Alec 'made fun of him when he was about to welcome a third son (Getty images)

“My life was never the same,” he explained. “I never really slept the same. You really don't sleep the same. Your children go out to a pijamada, or are 14 years old and go to a party and you are sitting in bed and your eyes are closed and you are asleep, but it is not the old dream! ”

Billy and Chynna, who married in 1995, shared a 20 -year -old daughter, Brooke, and two children: Jameson, 24, and Vance, 24.

Alec welcomed his eighth son, Iliaria, in 2022, when he was 64 years old. The actor and his wife, who married in 2012, share another six children: Carmen, 11, Rafael, 9, Leonardo, 8, Romeo, 6, Eduardo, 4, and María, 3. Alec and his ex -wife, Kim Basinger , also shares his daughter Ireland Baldwin, 29.

He Chief Babio Star is working on a new project that involves his family. The first episode of his reality show, The BaldwinsIt will be broadcast on FTA on February 23.

The new Alec program and his wife invites spectators to their homes, while navigating the ups and downs of raising seven children together. A first look at the program, which was launched last month, also made fun that the family will discuss the tragedy that happened on the set of the Alec movie, Oxide.

The fatal incident occurred in 2021 when Alec, the main actor and the co -producer of Oxide, He pointed a pistol to support the film director, Halyna Hutchins, during an essay. The weapon shot, downloading a real bullet that killed her and wounded director Joel Souza.

In July 2024, the involuntary case of Alec in Hutchins' fatal shooting was expelled. Baldwin had been initially accused of involuntary homicide and faced 18 months in prison.

The judge dismissed the case of prejudice based on the misconduct of the police and prosecutors on the retention of defense evidence. The Prosecutor's Office may not present charges against Baldwin again in the death of Hutchins.

Months before Alec's case was dismissed, Oxide Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed harmery was declared guilty of involuntary homicide in Hutchins' death. Reed, 26, received the maximum prison sentence of 18 months.

In January, Alec filed a lawsuit against the district prosecutor and other officials in Santa Fe, New Mexico, claiming that he was unfairly prosecuted for involuntary homicide. In the complaint, he accused the District prosecutor Mary Carmack-Altwies and the special prosecutor Kari Morrissey of several abuses, including obtaining false testimonies and the retention of evidence.

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