Ashwagandha to Shilajit, 5 Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs known to improve sexual life

Safe musli is good for reproductive health and stress.

Shilajit increases sperm count and is good for semen quality. Apart from these, it can also be consumed to increase energy levels.

Loss of libido or lack of sexual desire is a problem that many face. This could result in strained relationships with your partner. There are various reasons behind this condition, some of them include depression, stress, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, alcoholic, etc. You can treat this problem with the help of some Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs.


This plant is also called Indian ginseng. It can help with the conditions of premature ejaculation, impotence and low sexual desire as it is known to improve the nervous functions of the body. You can consume it with warm milk, honey and ginger. It also regulates reproductive hormones.


This herb helps improve fertility in women by nourishing their reproductive organs. Some other benefits include hormonal regulation, reducing the risk of miscarriage, curing impotence and helping with genital inflammation. It is also good for erectile dysfunction in men.


One of the best benefits of this herb is that it increases sperm count and is good for semen quality. Apart from these, it can also be consumed to increase energy levels. A study shows that it helps increase testosterone levels if consumed daily.


Kapikacchu is good for relieving stress and increases testosterone production in men. It increases libido in men and contains L-Dopa, a precursor to dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for sensations of pleasure, motivation, libido and movement.

Safed Musli

Safe musli is good for reproductive health and stress. It helps prevent premature ejaculation and can be consumed to improve sperm count. It also increases strength and endurance.

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