Alyssa Milano Reveals Messages Her Son Received After Baseball GoFundMe

Alyssa Milano is still trying to defend her decision to create a GoFundMe page for her son's baseball trip.

On Thursday, February 1, Delighted The actress took to Instagram to share screenshots of comments left on her son Milo's Instagram account. Some people told her to talk to her mother about why she shouldn't ask her for this money when she probably has it herself.

Screenshots showed Milo responding to these negative comments by writing: “You realize I'm only 12 and I love my mom. My mom is the greatest human being of all time. “She does everything for everyone.”

When the commenter continued, Milo chimed in again and wrote, “Please get off my page. “I'm only 12 years old.”

Milano responded to this in his lengthy title. “All parents raise money for their children's sports teams and many of them do it through GoFundMe. “I’m not different,” the caption began.

“As much as I would love to pay for travel expenses, transportation, hotel, food and drink, uniforms, pin exchange and everything that teams do for this type of trip for the entire team and their families, I cannot afford to do it. so. Maybe one day. Plus, if I paid for everyone, my trolls would find something else to be offended about.”

The caption continued: “Regardless of how you feel about me, going to my hard-working 12-year-old son's Instagram page and leaving these types of messages is so horrible. Leave the children alone. Let them play baseball. If you are against donating, don't donate. If you would like to make a donation to help the team's families, we appreciate it, the link is in your bio.”

This is not the first time the actress has had to defend her actions. The 51-year-old actor. led to, formerly known as Twitter, on Jan. 26 to address her decision to solicit donations for the page, which she runs on behalf of her husband, David Bugliari. This post came after fans criticized the actress for holding the fundraiser, with questions about why she herself couldn't help fund her son Milo's trip, given her successful career in Hollywood.

In her tweet, she talked about how the press contacted her about her GoFundMe, before describing some of the financial contributions she has already given to the baseball team.

“The media asks me if I have contributed financially to my son's baseball team,” he wrote. “I've paid for uniforms for the entire team and coaches, I've organized birthday parties and I've sponsored any kids who can't pay the monthly fees.”

He Delighted The star concluded his post by also detailing the work the baseball team players have done to raise money. He then expressed his gratitude to fans who made contributions to the GoFundMe page.

“The kids also do fundraising themselves – car washes, movie nights, and lots of other fun things!” she added. “Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the gofundme! “It has made things easier for these children and their families.”

Last week, Milano made headlines for the first time when she shared the photo of his 12-year-old son and his baseball team, while asking for those donations. “My son's baseball team is raising money for his trip to Cooperstown. Any amount would be greatly appreciated,” she wrote.

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