A man's friends abandon him in a restaurant to pay for his birthday meal

A man celebrated his birthday at a restaurant, but had to pay the bill after his friends abandoned him.

In a post on the Reddit forum Am I the ***hole, a man said his friends had offered to take him out to celebrate his birthday and, thinking the food was his birthday present, he assumed all his friends would make chips. . for the food.

A few days before her birthday, five of her friends asked her if she wanted to go out to celebrate her birthday, according to the publication. After one of them, whom the publication referred to as Mike, told him they could go anywhere he wanted, the original poster suggested they go to a nearby steakhouse.

He said they all gathered at the steakhouse and when they started ordering themselves, he noticed Mike order a drink and suggested they order appetizers. Without thinking much about it at the time, the original poster said he was willing to order some. They had also ordered steaks for main courses and another round of drinks.

At that moment, one of his friends named Adam ordered a bottle of champagne. The original poster protested and told them that it was just his birthday and that they didn't need to do anything “too special.” Mike allegedly responded, “Relax, birthday boy, and have fun.”

Since he assumed that he was being treated, he didn't think much of it at the time. But then his friends' rowdy behavior escalated when they started fighting with a nearby table. Mike cursed out a family with a three-year-old child for throwing a potato chip at him. This led to a waiter intervening and informing the group that some complaints had been made against them.

Adam began arguing with the waiter claiming that the other table “started,” but the waiter had none of his excuses, so he told the group they had to “pay and leave in the next few minutes before there was a fight.” ”. problem.”

Things got worse when the original poster turned to his friends and asked, “Thanks guys, do you want me to help you pay?” To his surprise, none of them took a step forward.

“You're the birthday boy, right? “You have money,” Adam allegedly told him. Surprised, the original poster replied: “I thought you would invite me because it is my birthday as a gift.”

“Weren't you the one who chose where we were going, friend?” Adam laughed before suddenly standing up to leave and telling the rest of his friends, “Come on, guys.”

The poster wrote that he wasn't sure if they were serious and was wondering if maybe this was all part of some elaborate prank. He said as he got up to follow Adam and grabbed his arm. Adam looked at his hand and said, “Get your hand off me, buddy.” Deeply confused, the original poster looked at him and said, “Why are you acting like this man?”

The group left him there, and although the original poster said he tried to explain the situation to the waiter, he was forced to pay for his birthday dinner alone. He said he talked to his friends after the incident, but they all ignored him.

“You guys have to pay me back,” he told them, according to the post, but they responded by saying he should get over it and move on. After not speaking to them days after the incident, she wrote that her friends sent her messages asking if she was “still crying” or “have I grown up yet?”

“I haven't responded and I want to know if I was wrong in assuming he wouldn't pay,” he wrote on Reddit. “The whole situation made me feel weird.”

The original poster received an outpouring of support, telling him that those people were not his friends and that he deserved better.

“Time to move on and find new friends,” one person wrote. “Friends don't ask someone out on their birthday and pay them the bill. Friends don't ask someone out on their birthday and start a fight…”

“These are NOT your friends,” another person added. “These are not good people. It absolutely sucks that you had to discover the depth of his disgust on your birthday, but at least you found out now. He was willing to terrorize a child for some chips. They charged you the bill and had every intention of doing so from the beginning. “They were using you.”

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