7 tips to keep your bathroom fresh and clean

It often causes many diseases.

People clean the kitchen, living room and living room a little every day, but neglect the bathroom.

Keeping the house clean makes the mood fresh and healthy. The health of family members, especially children, remains good. However, people clean the kitchen, living room and living room a little every day, but neglect the cleanliness of the bathroom. Some people clean the bathroom once a week or once every 15 days. This not only produces a bad smell, but also yellow stains on the toilet, which then looks very dirty.

The smell of sewage in the bathroom and toilet is also caused by the following:

– If a bad smell comes from the bathroom pipe or the water is clogged with garbage, pour hot water into it. It will slowly remove the built-up dirt and also kill all the germs and bacteria.

– If you want, you can also add white vinegar to hot water. Pouring this water down the bathroom or toilet drain will remove the dirt. The smell will also be reduced.

– If there is a bad smell, spray essential oils, air fresheners, etc. in the sink or bathroom. There are many products available on the market that will keep your bathroom and toilet fragrant and fresh all the time.

– Behind the toilet seat and sink is a U-shaped tube called a P-trap. Sometimes a bad smell occurs when garbage gets stuck in the drain or water dries in the trap. To remove the clog, try pouring water with vinegar or baking soda. The smell of sewage will disappear.

– Many times the smell of the toilet does not come from the toilet, but from the place where the water comes out, because dirt and garbage have accumulated there. If water does not come out of the drain, surely moss, garbage, hair, etc. has accumulated there. The smell arises only because the water does not drain properly. In this case, it is very important to remove waste.

– If the toilet bowl smells bad, you can sprinkle talcum powder on it. Put it in enough at night and clean the toilet thoroughly with a toilet bowl cleaner in the morning. If you have expired powder at home, you can use it.

– Sometimes, moss settles in the toilet tank because it has not been cleaned. It starts to smell bad. In this case, you must clean it every 15 days.

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