7 Reasons Why Healthy Conflict Can Improve Your Relationship

Conflict can bring couples closer together, deepen their mutual understanding, and strengthen their relationship.

Well-managed conflict can also help with growth, connection, and intimacy within a relationship.

Conflicts and disagreements are very common in any relationship. They can be healthy if managed well. A conflict can bring couples closer together, deepen their understanding of each other, and strengthen their relationship. Not only that! A well-managed conflict can also help with growth, connection, and intimacy within a relationship. Yelling and screaming at each other only makes conflict worse and are not constructive ways to resolve problems. Therapist Lucille Shackleton has shared her views on the topic through an Instagram post titled “Healthy conflict can improve your relationship.”

Let's look at some of the points he highlighted:

Improved communication

Honest and open communication is very important when it comes to resolving a fight. It gives the couple the opportunity to express their feelings, thoughts, and needs clearly. In this way, the couple begins to listen, express their feelings, and understand each other's perspectives.

Becoming aware of our wounds in order to heal them

Conflict in relationships often reminds us of our childhood wounds and the areas we need to work on. It shows us our weaknesses and triggers and encourages us to focus on our growth. Resolving conflict in a safe and loving space can be a good opportunity for personal and relational growth.

Strengthens the bond and deepens intimacy.

When couples work together to resolve problems, their bonds become stronger. They demonstrate a commitment to supporting each other and maintaining the relationship. And not only that! Resolving conflicts together can also increase the chances of emotional intimacy because they feel seen, heard, and understood.

Clarification of needs and expectations

Your needs, boundaries, and expectations become clear when you both sit down, talk, and resolve a dispute. Conflict can also reveal hidden issues and offer an opportunity to address and resolve them. This improves the dynamics of the relationship.

Results in personal and relational growth

Conflict is great for personal and relational growth. It helps us understand our behavior and its triggers. It allows us to work on improving and focus on areas where we might be struggling. It also regulates our emotions, develops patience, and practices empathy.

Promotes honesty and authenticity.

Conflict in a safe and healthy relationship can help us feel comfortable. It allows us to share our true feelings and concerns without fear and show ourselves as we are.

Improves our problem-solving skills.

We develop effective problem-solving skills. We become better at finding mutually beneficial solutions, taking into account each other's needs and being willing to compromise.

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