5 Ways to Feel Beach-Ready, Exactly How You Are

Blue skies, beaches and bikinis are within reach, but summer can be a very discouraging time for many of us, and the panic about getting a “beach body ready” looms.

Despite great strides in the body positivity movement, many still feel pressure to achieve unrealistic societal beauty standards (like chiseled abs and glowing, sun-kissed skin) before daring to enjoy the beach.

Social media and advertisements often perpetuate these “ideals,” leading many people to resort to extreme diets and exercise regimens this time of year.

But no one should have to change their physique to enjoy the sea and the sun: we are all “beach ready” just the way we are. Sometimes, it's simply our minds that aren't quite ready.

So, here are five tips to help us all feel fabulous on holiday this summer, no matter our shape or size…

1. Focus on all the wonderful things your body can do

“Focus on what your body can do, rather than how it looks,” says Lowri Dowthwaite-Walsh, psychotherapist and senior lecturer in psychological interventions at the University of Central Lancashire.

“Building strength in your body by doing physical activity and exercise that you enjoy can make you appreciate your body more and, in turn, build body confidence,” she adds. “Weight training, yoga, swimming, running and dancing are all great options.”

Dr. Laura Geige, a physician and psychologist, also believes it is helpful to promote an internal dialogue that emphasizes the body's functionality over aesthetics, explaining: “Celebrating what the body can do, rather than how it appears, helps to foster gratitude and resilience against the negative self. -perceptions.”

2. Reduce noise

Our Instagram and TikTok feeds are often flooded with size 6 models, tanned celebrities, and fitness influencers with sparkling white teeth, which can make us lose touch with reality.

After all, comparison is the thief of joy, and Suzy Reading, chartered psychologist and author of Rest To Reset, recommends editing the content you're exposed to on social media and being aware of the facade around it.

“Turn down the noise if this message reaches you,” says Reading. “Take care of your social media feed, unsubscribe from mailing lists and take into account your audiovisual diet.

“Remember that the images we consume are likely manipulated and filtered, so the ideals we aspire to are rarely humanly possible – 'real life' is not real life!”

3. Adopt cold water therapy!

Enduring a cold shower in the morning could be the ticket to gaining confidence in our bodies, suggests Dowthwaite-Walsh.

“Taking cold showers every day can be another way to build confidence in your body,” she says. “By tolerating the extreme feeling of cold, the body learns to manage the stress response and, over time, can help you become less reactive to stress, more alert and energetic.

“Studies have also found that cold water therapy, such as cold showers, cold water immersion, and outdoor swimming, can reduce symptoms of depression,” adds Dowthwaite-Walsh.

4. Self-care rituals

A comfortable swimsuit and a spritz of your favorite perfume are two great ways to boost your confidence before hitting the beach. And Dr. Geige believes that incorporating simple self-care rituals into our routines can help set us up for a good day.

She says: “Building confidence for a beach visit can also involve preparatory self-care rituals that emphasize self-respect, rather than vanity. This could include choosing beachwear that emphasizes comfort and personal style over conformity to trends, participating in activities that encourage body positivity, and setting realistic expectations for the beach experience.”

Dowthwaite-Walsh also encourages regular acts of kindness and self-care. For example, giving yourself a massage or wearing clothes that you like.

“These regular acts of kindness are great ways to thank the wonderful body that houses you. By showing that we care, we tell ourselves that we are worthy and this, in turn, can build trust,” says Dowthwaite-Walsh.

5. Mindfulness practices

If you start to feel anxious while at the beach, mindfulness techniques may be helpful: try focusing on the sound of the waves crashing and the feel of the sand beneath your feet, for example.

“Cultivating mindfulness practices can help anchor thoughts in the present moment, reducing the propensity to make unfavorable comparisons,” explains Dr. Geige.

This is something Reading does regularly and recommends breathing slowly and using words of affirmation, even if you just say them internally, to help calm the nervous system.

Explaining her process, she says: “I breathe in through my nose and out through pursed lips to lengthen the exhale. I will lift my eyes and the corner of my mouth and feel the lift this creates and remember why I am doing it, because life is for the living!

“I want to feel alive and drink the juice of summer: the warmth of the sunlight on my skin, the sand under my feet, the cool, cool feeling of the water that eliminates these doubts, these artificial deficits, and I will give myself permission. to continue immersing myself in my senses and savoring the many joys that I have at my disposal.”

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