5 warning signs of brain tumor in young people

Brain tumor is a serious disease that is rapidly emerging among young people.

Dr Bhavna Bansal, Senior Consultant & HOD, Histopathology, Oncquest Laboratories shares the warning signs to look out for for a brain tumor in young people

A brain tumor is one of the serious diseases that have a massive impact on the health of an individual. It is caused by abnormal growth of cells in or around the brain. Patients have to deal with a significant burden of symptoms that can damage specific parts of the brain and cause serious dysfunction. Brain tumors can occur at any age. That of children varies from an adult tumor in terms of cell types and response to treatment. According to experts, there is a significant increase in the number of young people diagnosed with this disease around the world.

The symptoms and signs of brain tumors vary depending on the size and location of the tumor. Many times it increases pressure around the brain, while sometimes damaging the entire brain tissue.

5 warning signs of brain tumor in young people:

  1. HeadachesIn young people, headaches are common, but they are a warning when they are constantly intense and in a consistent pattern. Headaches that occur when a person wakes up early in the morning or while sleeping are worse for a person's health. Hence it becomes a serious warning of a brain tumor.
  2. Vision lossAccording to studies, many types of brain tumors are believed to cause weakened vision or vision loss. Although vision changes are another common occurrence, they require attention when there is extreme difficulty focusing or increased sensitivity to light. These may be signs of compression of the optic nerve leading to disruption of the visual pathway, which is a serious sign of brain tumors.
  3. Nausea and vomitingIf any individual observes a flu-like illness and vomiting accompanied by a severe headache; then they should consider it as an important warning of brain tumor. This happens when a tumor grows within a fixed space in the brain that presses on tissue or blocks the flow of fluid within the brain.
  4. Hearing lossBrain tumors often cause hearing loss. People who experience pressure on brain nerves and severe ear pain simultaneously are warning signs of brain tumors. They develop in the vestibular nerve (also called the balance nerve) and the auditory nerve. These nerves run from the inner ear to the brain, creating pressure on the nerve and causing hearing loss.
  5. SeizuresSeizures are the warning sign of brain tumors and are usually seen in at least 40 percent of cases. They are called the first clinical signs of a brain tumor. They are the common symptom of brain tumors and most patients experience them at least once during their course.

Neurological examination to diagnose brain tumor.

A patient suffering from a brain tumor undergoes a neurological examination and a biopsy specific to the size and location of the tumor. This exam includes a variety of tests to evaluate neurological functions such as vision, reflexes, and hearing. The diagnosis is made based on the type of biopsy, such as brain biopsy or evaluation of the cerebrospinal fluid, if it is seen to be involved in the tumor.

Brain tumor is a serious disease that is rapidly emerging among young people. It is essential to know the symptoms and serious warnings of the disease in order to diagnose it at an early stage, leaving a positive impact during treatment. After all, awareness is the crucial path to empowering our young people to prioritize brain health and their health well-being.

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