5 reasons why storytelling is more than just entertainment for children

It is recommended that parents take breaks during the storytelling process.

Telling stories to your children is not only an interesting and fun pastime, but it also helps with many elements of their cognitive development.

The value of storytelling to children cannot be overstated. Storytelling contributes to your child's linguistic and cognitive development, as well as being a great way to strengthen your relationship with your child. It contributes to your child's early reading skills and language development. Above all, a child believes the things they hear as they grow, therefore parents can really decide what they want their child to hear.

What is storytelling?

The National Storytelling Network (NSN) describes storytelling as “the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while stimulating the listener’s imagination.”

Why is storytelling vital for young people?

Telling stories to your children is not only an interesting and fun pastime, but it also contributes to many aspects of their cognitive development. As parents, you can choose a childcare center that prioritizes storytelling or you can start telling stories to your children from early childhood.

The following advantages show how important storytelling is for children.

Promotes creative thinking:

You can encourage children's creativity and storytelling skills by allowing them to choose their own endings. Children can develop their problem-solving and creative thinking skills by analyzing stories and investigating various interpretations.

Improves imagination:

One of the advantages of telling stories to children is that it encourages their imagination, encouraging them to imagine the characters, the setting and everything that appears in the book. They don't need any pre-existing images to build the world; they can only use their imagination.

Imparts good values:

Children will learn the value of kindness, honesty, knowledge, compassion, and many other lessons when you take the time to tell them these stories.

Improves language development:

There are many different ways to learn a language through stories. Stories can help children learn words, develop their grammar, and develop reading comprehension. Stories not only help children learn new words, but they also give them the opportunity to use those words in a variety of situations.

Arouse curiosity:

It is recommended that parents take breaks during the storytelling process. A well-timed pause will spark children’s interest and leave them wanting more. Their curiosity drives them to investigate and improve their learning ability to move forward.

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