5 foods to increase breast milk in lactating women

Masoor dal increases milk secretion in mothers.

A traditional remedy used to increase breast milk production is anise (fennel).

Many new mothers wonder if they will have enough breast milk to feed their babies. If the mother has enough milk, the baby will be healthy. It is important for new mothers to follow a nutritionally balanced diet. During their lactation phase, they should include foods in their diet that help increase milk secretion. Today, let's take a look at some foods that help increase breast milk in nursing mothers. But keep in mind that these foods should be consumed only with the doctor's permission. We'll see.

1. Anise tea: A traditional remedy used to increase breast milk production is anise (fennel). It also helps in the treatment of colicky pain and flatulence in pregnant mothers. When mothers take fennel to treat indigestion and stomach problems, the baby also receives its benefits through breast milk. Although there is not enough evidence to support this, mothers believe that anise is beneficial for them and their babies. Mothers are given anise tea and anise water after childbirth.

2. Moringa Fruit Juice: Moringa is considered an important fruit that helps increase milk production in mothers. It should be prepared as broth or soup and given to nursing mothers. Drinking half a glass of Moringa kai juice twice a month can increase milk secretion.

3. Leafy greens: They are a good source of calcium, fiber, antioxidants and vitamins A, C, E and K. Leafy greens are also low in calories, giving you little to worry about in terms of of weight gain. Try to consume at least one serving per day.

4. Masoor dal soup: Masoor dal plays an important role in increasing milk secretion in mothers. This dal can be eaten as a soup or added to a meal. Consuming a cup of masoor dal can increase milk secretion in young mothers. You can add some ghee, black pepper and salt to this masoor dal and it will taste more delicious.

5. Sweet Potato: For breastfeeding mothers, one medium sweet potato provides the recommended amount of vitamin A for the day. Vitamin A helps improve vision, bone development and boost immunity. Vitamin A is necessary for growth and development; Your baby depends on what you eat. This is a good source for them.

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