5 fighting languages ​​that you should know to understand yourself better with your partner

Some people try to exert control over their partner by threatening them.

Some partners use humor or blaming others to divert attention and de-escalate the fight.

Lack of understanding and consensus can lead to greater conflicts in relationships. However, understanding how your partner communicates during fights, including the words he or she uses, can improve understanding between couples. Depending on how communication occurs during a conflict, a resolution can be reached. Knowing your partner's predominant body language at the beginning of a fight can significantly help resolve relationship problems. Let's take a look at the five types of body language to observe during a fight to facilitate conflict resolution.

1. Analytical communication: Some partners prefer to analyze the situation before speaking, considering whether it is appropriate to speak at that moment and choosing their words carefully. They approach conflicts with moderation and it is advisable not to provoke them.

2. Distraction: Some partners use humor or blaming others to divert attention and reduce the intensity of the fight. While this tactic can be confusing, it's important to be cautious.

3. Control: Certain individuals attempt to exert control over their partner by being dominant, threatening, and limiting their partner's ability to express emotions. However, such tactics only intensify conflicts and worsen relationship dynamics.

4. Expression of anger: Pretending to be angry can make your partner believe that you are not willing to engage in dialogue. This behavior reflects a dominant attitude, often characterized by speaking loudly, rolling the eyes, and using threatening tones. It is crucial to address such behavior early on to prevent further escalation of the conflict.

5. Seeking reconciliation: Some people see conflict as an opportunity for reconciliation and constructive dialogue. Instead of escalating the argument, they prefer to work together with their partner to find a solution. In a healthy relationship, partners should negotiate compromises with each other rather than involving third parties.

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