Prolonged desktop work can lead to musculoskeletal problems ranging from pain and annoying pain to injuries. This month, we launched a SIX SERIES Showing how to stretch and strengthen the parts of your body to prepare them for marathon sessions on your desk. We will arrive a new exercise routine every week, each focused on a different area of the body, which will help relieve Work -related problems desktop.
Last week we publish exercises for your Hands, dolls, forearms and elbows. This week we are focusing on your lower back.
For more information on how to be sitting affects the body, and why these exercises are important, read our First piece In the series. And you can find the entire series here.
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A routine for your lower back (including buttocks)
The lower back could be the most common complaint for desktop workers. Their muscles keep you vertically in the same position all day. But using them in excess can cause fatigued muscles that can then be inflamed, tight and painful. It often results in boring pain. Short movement ruptures, even for 1-2 minutes, are especially important for the lower back, since they release the tension and help circulation.
Do these exercises to help stretch and strengthen your lower back, including your buttocks. They are demonstrated by coach Melissa Gunn, from Pure Strength La, whose team trains desktops on how to protect their bodies through exercise.
- Sit against a wall, as in a chair. Align your knees on your ankles and slide down as much as you can, although not below a right angle. The higher, the less intense the exercise is. Keep that position for 30 seconds. Work up to 5 minutes. Increase in five or 10 seconds every few days, since it becomes easier. Do not continue if there is pain on the knees.
- Sit in a chair with your legs open and placed in V-shaped, with the ankles 1-2 feet away. Wrap a buchated yoga strap or a belt around the thighs about 6 inches on the knees. Press your legs open on the strap and push for 1 minute and 30 seconds to strengthen the buttocks.
- Open the feet and place a horizontal yoga block between the thighs just above the knees. Press your thighs together, pressing the yoga block with your thighs. Keep 1 minute and 30 seconds. Do not indicate it. Make a set.
- Stop with separate feet, laterally, in terms of comfortable. Fold the right knee and drop the right hip about 45 degrees, while the leg remains straight, so that you feel a stretch on the internal thigh of the straight leg. Keep 2-3 seconds. Make 10 on each side.
- Sit directly and stack your head on your shoulders and hips. Interlate your hands behind the head and press your head directly to your motionless hands, using your hands like a wall. Keep for 30 seconds while breathing very long. Make sure your chin is parallel to the floor and your neck is lengthening all the time. This releases the lower back.
(The exercises came from Dr. Joshua T. GoldmanUCLA Sports Medicine; Melissa GunnPure strength; Tom HendrickxPivot physiotherapy; Vanessa Martinez Kercher, Indiana University-Bloomington, School of Public Health; Nico pronkHealth Partners Institute; Niki SaccarecciaLight inside yoga.)