4 Signs to Understand that Past Traumas Are Affecting Your Current Relationship

Many relationships end due to overthinking problems. (Image: Shutterstock)

To have a happy and healthy relationship with your partner, you have to overcome past traumas and bad experiences.

Experiencing disturbing events during your childhood could create a constant feeling of stress, fear and betrayal, which would affect your new relationship with your partner.

On Instagram, Elaine Evans, a trauma and relationship therapist, talked about how traumas from her past lives could be affecting her current relationships. “Your past experiences may be holding you back from being your best self in relationships – it does NOT have to stay that way!” she wrote in the caption.

What are the signs?

  • Lack of trust:People facing past trauma find it difficult to trust their partners. Setting boundaries or leaving a relationship are behaviors that are affected by a lack of trust in a relationship.
  • Have unrealistic expectations:Your past traumas could lead to unrealistic expectations from your partner that could hinder your relationship. This could also lead to numerous arguments with your partner. Unmet expectations in a relationship can also make one feel anxious.
  • Overthinking problems:Many relationships end due to overthinking problems. These traumas can arise due to past experiences. It begins during childhood, if a person feels abandoned, rejected, or remains in an abusive environment.
  • Need:You may feel clingy all the time and need your partner to constantly reassure and validate you, even if your relationship is going perfectly well. This could irritate your partner.

Elaine wrote in one of her posts: “But when we avoid healing trauma, a few things happen:

“Self-esteem remains low and relationships are an exhausting experience of trying to be enough or not being with someone who is too “needy”; Emotions often take over, leading to failed relationships or self-sabotaging behaviors. “

  • Jealousy factor: Although having a little jealousy in a relationship can be good, past traumas can make a person feel jealous very easily. The person would require the time and attention of their partner at all times.
  • Negative perception: Trauma affects the way we see the world, including our partner. A traumatic person can always have negative thoughts about their partner that could make their relationship difficult.
  • Lack of interest: One of the most common signs due to past trauma is that the person tends to lose interest in doing fun activities with their partner, including sex.

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