4 Easy DIY Steps to Clean Ceiling Fans

Dust from fans can spread germs and allergens.

Dust accumulated on the blades slows down the speed of the fan and affects air circulation in the room.

Spring is almost here, which means extensive use of ceiling fans for the next few months. In winter, there is a high probability that your fan blades have collected dust and dirt. Instead of shelling out money to hire a professional to clean the fan, you can take a step forward and get the job done for just Rs 2.

Dust accumulated on the blades slows down the speed of the fan and affects air circulation in the room. It can also spread dust, germs and allergens. Therefore, it is important to clean the fans regularly to ensure that they are in perfect working condition. So, use the following trick to get rid of dirty fans and dishes with just these simple steps.

Step 1: Security

The most important step is to make sure you turn off the fan first. Your fans are on or if the regulator is on, there may be chances of electricity. Therefore, always make sure to turn off the fan.

Step 2: cleaning

Take a pillowcase. Get on a high stool and stand comfortably within reach of touching the fan. Now, take the pillowcase and insert the fan blades into it. Wipe away dust without applying too much pressure. By doing this, you will get all the dirt from the blade to fall into the pillowcase and not on the floor, in your eyes or even in your hair. Additionally, the fan will be cleaned from the top and bottom of the blades.

Step 3 Clean other parts of the fan

Take a microfiber duster with a long wand and clean the top parts of the fan and motor.

Step 4: use shampoo

After dusting off the dirt, take a bowl of hot water and pour two drops of shampoo or liquid soap into it. Take a cotton cloth or microfiber cloth in the solution and wring it out well before cleaning the fan. Clean the blades and other parts of the fan with this damp cloth. Your fan will shine like new.

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