4 colors to attract wealth and prosperity according to Vastu

If your current goal is to reinforce your prosperity, consider integrating the following colors

Be prepared for unwanted but pleasant side effects: a calmer, calmer and more welcoming home that reflects the harmony of Vastu principles.

In the realm of Vastu, the ancient Indian practice of spatial organization, specific colors wield the power to attract good fortune and enhance wealth. Embracing the wisdom of Vastu does not require a complete overhaul; Small adjustments to decor or furniture arrangements can significantly alter the energy of your home and guide the course of your life. If your current goal is to bolster your prosperity, consider integrating the following colors, endorsed by Vastu Acharya Manoj Shrivastava.

  1. Purple MagicPurple, a hue intertwined with spirituality in several traditions, occupies a unique place in Indian Vastu. Beyond its spiritual connotations, purple means material abundance. It reflects our internal state, the source of our energy. By feeling complete inside, we radiate positive energy, attracting wealth. To infuse purple into your space, Vastu recommends deep shades in combination with white and gold for main living areas. Lilac and lighter tones can be used in bathrooms and bedrooms, although in moderation to avoid possible inconveniences.
  2. Deep blues for opinions on wealth Dark blues in Vastu symbolize the water element, which embodies abundance similar to the ebb and flow of the seas. Ideal for improving wealth, dark blues are best introduced in the northern zone, which is related to finances. Mixing them with white or beige softens the energy, avoiding possible interruptions. Lighter blues denote health and family ties. Incorporate blues through feature walls, furniture or decorative elements such as fish tanks, creating a calm atmosphere.
  3. The golden Midas touch According to Vastu principles, gold manifests good luck and plays a vital role in attracting wealth. Although introducing gold requires finesse, it can be integrated into the fabric of your home through picture frames, cushions, curtains, wallpaper or door frames. Strategic placement in the dining room, kitchen and foyer invites prosperity and welcomes guests.
  4. Green for prosperity In Vastu, green means stability, serenity and fertility, a reflection of nature at its zenith. Beyond its association with life, green is a beacon of economic wealth, symbolizing prosperity in its purest form. Vastu experts recommend houseplants, green fruits and nature-themed artworks to infuse green in various spaces.

Vastu Acharya Manoj Shrivastava recommends you incorporate these Vastu-backed colors in your home as a simple yet powerful way to attract prosperity and good luck. However, be prepared for unwanted but pleasant side effects: a calmer, calmer and more welcoming home that reflects the harmony of Vastu principles.

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