3 simple and easy tricks to unclog toilets

Tools such as a plunger and a plumbing drain snake can be used.

Clogged toilets cause unnecessary discomfort and dirt in a home.

It is necessary to ensure that every corner of the house is kept clean, especially places like bathrooms and toilets. Often, people complain about clogged toilets, which leads to unnecessary uneasy and dirty situations in a house. After flushing, when the toilet fills up to the brim with water, it indicates that it has become clogged. The situation can even lead to nausea or dizziness, so to prevent this, here are some simple ways to keep your toilet unclogged.

– To clear the water clog from your toilet, take half a bucket of hot water and pour around one to two teaspoons of liquid soap into the toilet tank. Leave it there for a while. The soap cleans the dirt accumulated in the tank. After that, pour the hot water into the toilet, which will also clean the dirt. Make sure to flush the toilet once, after the steps mentioned above.

-You can also use a plunger, as this is used to unclog pipes and drains. Before using it, soak it in hot water for a few minutes to loosen the rubber. Place it over the toilet hole and flush the toilet until it fills with water. At the same time, push the plunger up and down; after vigorous use of the tool, the dirt accumulated in the pipe will begin to unclog. It is a simple way to unclog the toilet.

-A tool like a plumbing drain auger can also be used to fix an overflowing toilet. It is easily available in the market. To use it, place the corkscrew into the toilet hole and make sure to rotate it for a minute. If there are things like strands of hair, cloth, or any other items stuck, the tool will pull them out. The accumulated water will drain out through the handle at the other end of the tool.

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