World news in brief: Security Council condemns attacks in DRC, progress in cholera testing and 'my health, my right' campaign

In a statement following a briefing last week by Bintou Keita, head of the UN mission, MONUSCO, the ambassadors condemned all armed groups operating in the country and demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities and any further advances. of the M23.

They expressed concern about ongoing displacement in Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu and called on all donors to increase support in response to the 2024 humanitarian response plan.

Safe, timely and barrier-free access

They called on all parties, in particular the M23 and Congolese armed groups, to provide safe, timely and unhindered humanitarian access to those in need and to end attacks on civilians.

The Council condemned “foreign military support provided to M23 and any other armed group,” saying such assistance must end and foreign fighters must withdraw.

They expressed deep concern about reports by the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo on foreign military support for the M23 (allegedly involving the Russia-based Wagner Group) and direct military interventions in the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Council members condemned in the strongest terms the recent attacks against MONUSCO, its personnel and assets and reiterated their support for the gradual, responsible and sustainable withdrawal of the UN Mission.

They strongly encouraged the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to take concrete measures, including accelerated reform of the security sector and the timely implementation of the national disarmament and demobilization program.

Security Council members called on all parties to maintain diplomatic dialogue and take concrete measures to reduce tension.

Global rollout of rapid diagnostic tests to boost fight against cholera

A massive initiative to combat cholera is underway, partnered with the UN, with more than 1.2 million rapid diagnostic tests for the disease destined for 14 countries.

It is the largest global deployment of cholera testing ever carried out, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The first shipment was due to arrive in Malawi on Friday.

Coordinated by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the tests will help local health authorities improve cholera detection, monitor outbreaks and judge the effectiveness of their vaccination campaigns.

The cholera test kits are intended for countries at high risk of outbreaks in the coming months, including Ethiopia, Somalia, Syria and Zambia, and follow pilot studies in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger and Nepal.

Cholera has increased worldwide since 2021, with a high number of deaths despite the availability of a simple, effective and affordable treatment.

The global rise in preventable diseases has been driven by poor access to clean water and sanitation and a lack of rapid detection of outbreaks to limit their spread.

Affected communities often do not have access to basic health services, a situation made worse by factors related to climate, conflict and population displacement, the UN health agency said.

The 'My health, my right' campaign marks World Health Day

Continuing with global health, this Sunday is World Health Day and the WHO is launching a new campaign to defend the right to health for everyone, everywhere.

My health, my right.t advocates guaranteeing universal access to quality health services, education and information, as well as drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental conditions and absence of discrimination.

The WHO maintains that the main challenges that systematically compromise the right to health are political inaction, coupled with a lack of accountability and financing, and compounded by intolerance, discrimination and stigma.

Populations facing marginalization or vulnerability suffer the most, such as people living in poverty, displaced, elderly or living with disabilities, the UN health agency said.

Exacerbated by crises

While inaction and injustice are the main causes of global failure to fulfill the right to health, current crises are giving rise to especially egregious violations.

The burning of fossil fuels is simultaneously driving the climate crisis and violating our right to breathe clean air.

“Everyone deserves access to adequate, timely and quality health services, without being subject to discrimination or financial difficulties,” said the WHO when launching the campaign.

“However, in 2021, 4.5 billion people, more than half of the world's population, were not covered by essential health services, leaving them vulnerable to diseases and disasters.”

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