World news in brief: Pandemic treaty in jeopardy, landmark IOM appeal, 'enormous obstacles' facing Iran's lawyers

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was addressing the Executive Council of the World Health Organization (WHO) when he said governments still needed to resolve “several outstanding issues” and that time was “very short” to reach consensus.

“Failure to comply with the agreement on the pandemic and the amendments to the International Health Regulations will be A missed opportunity that future generations may not forgive us.Tedros said.

Legally binding

The WHO chief's warning comes after member states of the UN agency agreed to begin a process to draft and negotiate a “convention, agreement or other international instrument” to strengthen prevention, preparedness and response. in the face of a pandemic, after the enormous loss of life caused by COVID-19. 19.

These agreements concluded between countries have legal value and are binding.

The WHO has emphasized that a proposed convention on pandemics would be driven by the need to ensure equity of access to tools that can stop pandemics in their tracks (including vaccines, personal protective equipment, information and expertise) and access to healthcare for all.

UN Migration Agency issues first annual global appeal to raise $7.9 billion

The IOM, the United Nations migration agency, on Monday issued a funding call for nearly $8 billion to help nearly 140 million people, including internally displaced people and the communities that host them.

Leading the call, IOM Director-General Amy Pope said there was an urgent need to help communities resist climate change, which last year was an even greater migration factor than conflict:

“Hundreds of millions of people live in communities extremely vulnerable to climate crises,” he said.

Crisis ahead

“If we don't start developing this capability now, We will collectively face a displacement crisis that dwarfs anything we face..”

Speaking in Geneva, Ms Pope highlighted that irregular and forced migration had reached “unprecedented levels”, with more than 71 million people already displaced within their own countries today.

But the IOM chief also insisted there was “overwhelming evidence” that well-managed migration was “an important contributor to global prosperity and progress.”

In line with the UN agency's long-term goals, he said Monday's appeal would help save lives and protect people on the move, find solutions to displacement and facilitate safe pathways for regular migration.

Rights advocates demand protection for lawyers in Iran

Independent UN human rights experts praised Iran's lawyers for their “courageous commitment to the rule of law” and their efforts to practice their profession despite “enormous obstacles and pressures.”

In a statement issued on Monday ahead of the International Day of Lawyers in Danger, commemorated on January 24, the Special Rapporteurs on Iran and the issue of judicial independence called on Tehran to fully protect the country's legal professionals.

Following the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody in 2022, Iranian authorities arrested thousands of people, subjecting them to deplorable conditions and even death sentences, the two independent experts said.

Despite the risks, many Iranian lawyers attempted to provide legal support to the protesters and consequently faced intimidation, arbitrary arrests, and expulsion from the bar.

Up to the challenge

Lawyers in Iran, time and time again, have risen to the challenge and suffered the consequences.”the experts declared.

They stressed that Iranian lawyers often operate in danger due to restrictions that violate international standards for the free and independent exercise of the legal profession and the right to a fair trial. According to speakers, the Bar Association, one of the oldest professional organizations in Iran, has been the target of structural changes and investigations by the Government.

They urged Iran to implement measures that ensure lawyers can fulfill their vital role without the threat of being prosecuted for legitimate professional activities, emphasizing the impact on the right to a fair trial for all Iranians.

The Special Rapporteurs are part of the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. They receive no salary for their work and serve in an individual capacity.

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