Baby Boomers are about to be the largest generation in the history of the United States to achieve long -term care space. Born between 1946 and 1964, as defined by Pew Research, the oldest Baby Boomers will turn 80 next year. The group will flood a superior attention space that already has little personal, without funds and faces political uncertainty.
“This space is not fully prepared for the amount of older adults who will need long -term attention and attention at the end of life,” said David Grabowski, a professor of Medical Care Policy at Harvard's Faculty of Medicine. “Historically we have largely based on families. There will not be the number of family members we have had in the past.”
Now private capital seeks to enter the market more and more. A recent study found between 2015 and 2022, 47 private capital companies bought 124 US hospice agencies. Today it is estimated that 75% of US hospice agencies are for profit, according to a study outside the University of Pennsylvania.
“The hospice began as a non -profit base movement, where most of the attention, a couple of decades ago, was strictly provided without profit organizations,” said Robert Tyler Braun, an assistant professor at the Weill Cornell Medicine health and economy division. “In this current landscape now, most hospice suppliers are for profit.”
Elderly homes and long -term care centers have long been an acquisition objective for private capital and companies that are quoted in the stock market. The data provided to CNBC by coherent information of the market show that these same trends in the hospice care space have been recovered significantly since the 2010.
Look at the video above to learn how these investments are affecting the space, who is investing in it and what it means to older people and their families.