WHO report reveals significant health disparities among European adolescents

Based on information from 44 countries that participated in the Health Behavior in School-age Children (HBSC) study, it highlights unhealthy eating habits, increasing levels of overweight and obesity, and low levels of physical activity in young people.

According to the WHO, each of these are “Important risk factors for a variety of non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer..”

unhealthy eating

The report showed that teens made substantially unhealthy food choices, with more than half of them (56 percent of 15-year-old boys and 51 percent of 15-year-old girls) reporting not eating fruits or vegetables every day.

On a more positive note, soda consumption has seen a significant decline since children were last studied in 2018; However, it remains that 15 percent of teens consume soda every day with higher rates coming from less affluent families.

Director of the WHO/Europe child and adolescent health programme, Dr Martin Weber, said: “The Affordability and accessibility of healthy food options are often limited for lower-income familiesleading to greater reliance on processed and sugary foods, which can have detrimental effects on adolescent health.”

Obesity and physical inactivity.

The effects of lower socioeconomic status carry over to the likelihood of being overweight or obese, with one in five children affected.

While the WHO recommends that young children engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per day, the report found that adolescents from more affluent families experienced higher levels of MVPA daily. 16 percent versus 26 percent.

The organization said this is likely because young people from low-income families may have Less access to “safe spaces for physical activity.” and participation in organized sports can be influenced by family income.”

Dr Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, said the “Socioeconomic disparities in adolescent health behaviors contribute to a vicious cycle of disadvantage.”

Dr. Kluge said the report's findings should point to the need for interventions for adolescents that encourage them to adopt healthier behaviors.

Recommendations and assistance

WHO calls on Member States to take urgent measures to address these behaviors in adolescents.

The organization recommends that countries implement regulations related to regulating food marketing, promoting healthier eating, increasing physical activity and combating social inequalities.

Dr. Weber said addressing adolescent health will require “a combination of individual, family, community and policy-level interventions.” He said environments are needed that support young people's healthy decisions.

Dr. Kluge agreed, adding that “By addressing the underlying factors that contribute to unhealthy behaviors and creating an epidemic of inequality, we can improve the health and well-being of young people.reduce health disparities and build a healthier future for all.”

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