Robert F. Kennedy Jr., candidate for the president of the United States, who will be Secretary of Health and Human Services, testifies before a confirmation hearing of the Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee (help) of the Senate on Capitol Hill in Washington, on January 30, on January 30, on January 30, on January 30, 2025.
Nathan Howard | Reuters
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the election of President Donald Trump to direct the Department of Health and Human Services, seemed not familiar with the fundamental elements of Medicare and Medicaid programs on Thursday during his second Senate Confirmation Hearing.
“He wants us to confirm that he is in charge of Medicare, but it seems that he does not know the basic concepts of this program,” said Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, after Kennedy struggled to answer a series of questions about Medicare before the committee of the Senate on health, education, work and pensions.
If confirmed, Kennedy will lead an agency of $ 1.7 billion that supervises a series of federal health agencies. That includes the services centers of Medicare and Medicaid, which manages medical care by the government for millions of Americans, including older people, people with disabilities and low -income patients who depend on Medicare, Medicaid and the markets of The ATENCY LAW.
Kennedy, 71, ran into answering questions about Medicare and Medicaid during his two confirmation hearings this week. He appeared before the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday.
Hassan, who sits on both panels, asked Kennedy on Thursday to explain what each part of Medicare is. But it struggled to identify and explain the fundamental aspects of the program, which provides coverage to major and disabled Americans.
When asked why Medicare is, Kennedy said it is “mainly for primary care or doctors.” Hassan clarified that it is coverage for older people who receive hospital attention in hospitals.
Kennedy, when asked what Medicare's part is, said it is “for doctors and doctors.” Part B is the coverage of a variety of medical services, such as visits to the doctor, outpatient care, home health, certain medical supplies and preventive services.
When asked why is Medicare part C, Kennedy called it “the full menu of all services: A, B, C and D.” Hassan said that part C is also known as Medicare Advantage, which are private plans hired by Medicare. These plans serve as an alternative to the traditional Medicare plans.
Kennedy insisted that “he has just explained the basic concepts” of the program, but Hassan said he had to correct it in several things.
New Hampshire senator also interrogated Kennedy in his comments during Wednesday's audience, when he seemed to confuse Medicare with Medicaid.
The Medicaid state-federal program provides coverage to around 80 million Americans, including many low-income people. Republicans could go to Medicaid, which costs the federal government more than $ 600 billion a year, to reduce financing this year to help pay tax cuts.
Kennedy described Medicaid on Wednesday as “completely paid” by the federal government, although the program is also funded by the states.
On Thursday, Kennedy acknowledged that the program is financed jointly by the federal government and the states, adding that “something declared something” during the audience on Wednesday.
At the end of that audience on Wednesday, Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., The classification member of the Finance Committee, said Kennedy was not “without preparation” and suggested that he did not seem to know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid.
“My colleagues have been seeing from one place to another between Medicare and Medicaid, and it is not clear what program is using when,” Wyden said.