Cholera cases skyrocket around the world; Malawi and Haiti are the deadliest outbreaks, according to the WHO

Nations in eastern and southern Africa are among the worst affected, accounting for about 75 percent of deaths and a third of cases, as of January 15, according to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

As the regions also suffer from a lack of adequate drinking water and sanitation, and poor case management, children are particularly vulnerable as outbreaks spread rapidly.

“The cholera outbreak in the region is a major concern for the health and well-being of children,” Etleva Kadilli, UNICEF director for Eastern and Southern Africa, said on Monday.

“It is imperative to invest in systems strengthening to address the root causes of cholera and other public health emergencies, particularly in improving access to clean water, improving sanitation and hygiene, changing social behavior and the quality of case management”.

It also highlighted the compounding impacts of climate change, as well as the multifaceted consequences for children.

“Learning loss is a major concern. It is imperative that the response is not only rapid but also considers the long-term well-being of these young children. As the new school year is beginning in many countries in the region, it is crucial that measures are implemented in schools to protect children against infections,” she said.

'Grade 3 emergency'

Meanwhile, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) reported that preliminary data from Member States indicates that the number of cholera cases reported in 2023, as of December 15, exceeded that of 2022.

“It has been almost a year since WHO classified the global resurgence of cholera as a grade 3 emergency, the highest internal level for a health emergency requiring a comprehensive response,” the agency said in a report published last week.

WHO is currently reviewing its cholera response globally to identify key lessons and make evidence-based adjustments where necessary to better coordinate activities in the coming months.

“In view of the large number of outbreaks and their geographical expansion, together with the shortage of vaccines and other resources, WHO continues to assess the global risk as very high,” the agency added.

He also noted that the figures should be “interpreted with caution” given differences in surveillance systems and capacity between countries, meaning the 2023 data is not directly comparable to reports from previous years.

Reported global cholera and acute watery diarrhea epidemics in 2023, as of December 15, 2023

Deadliest outbreaks

The deadliest outbreaks were in Malawi in southern Africa and Haiti in the Caribbean.

1,771 people lost their lives to the disease in Malawi, while 1,156 succumbed in Haiti, as of December 15, 2023.

Elsewhere in Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is reporting nearly 1,000 cases each week, while Zimbabwe and Mozambique are experiencing rising cases and spreading outbreaks. Burundi and Zambia also continue to report active outbreaks, according to the report.

Afghanistan reported the highest number of suspected and/or confirmed cases, although the country uses a different surveillance system than other nations.

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