At World Health Assembly, countries agree on efforts to boost pandemic preparedness

Member countries of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), on the last day of the 77th World Health Assembly, adopted important amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), including the definition of a “ pandemic emergency” and the promise of better access. to medical products and financing.

These measures will help ensure that comprehensive and robust systems are in place in all countries to protect everyone everywhere from the risk of future outbreaks and pandemics, the WHO said in a press release.

“The historic decisions taken today demonstrate a common desire of Member States to protect their own people and the worldof shared risk of public health emergencies and future pandemics,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO.

He highlighted that the amendments to the IHR will strengthen the capacity of countries to detect and respond to future outbreaks, strengthen national capacities and improve coordination between nations on disease surveillance, information sharing and response.

“This is based on a commitment to equity, an understanding that Health threats do not recognize national borders. and that preparation is a collective effort,” Tedros added.

Finalizing the pandemic agreement

The countries also agreed to continue negotiating the proposed pandemic agreement to improve international coordination, collaboration and equity to prevent, prepare for and respond to future pandemics.

WHO Member States decided to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), established in December 2021, to Finish your job negotiating a pandemic deal within a yearby the World Health Assembly in 2025, or sooner if possible.

Speaking at the closing of the World Health Assembly, Tedros applauded delegates for their hard work.

“They have agreed on a way forward for the Pandemic Agreement, and I continue to trust that you will see it through to a conclusion.,” he said.

The Assembly was held in Geneva from May 27 to June 1 under the general theme All for Health, Health for All.

Amendments to the IHR

The new amendments to the IHR include the introduction of a definition of pandemic emergency to trigger more effective international collaboration for events at risk of becoming pandemics. This definition raises the level of alarm by taking advantage of existing IHR mechanisms, such as the determination of a public health emergency of international concern.

A pandemic emergency is identified as a communicable disease that risks spreading geographically, overwhelms health systems, causes substantial social or economic disruption, and requires rapid, equitable, and coordinated international action through comprehensive government and societal approaches.

Furthermore, the amendments emphasize solidarity and equity in access to medical products and financing through the establishment of a Coordinating Financial Mechanism. This mechanism aims to help developing countries identify and obtain the necessary financing to address their pandemic prevention, preparedness and response needs and priorities.

The amendments also establish a Committee of States Parties promote and support cooperation for the effective implementation of the IHR and create National IHR Authorities improve coordination of regulations within and between countries.

What is RSI?

The International Health Regulations (IHR) are a legally binding international instrument that defines the responsibilities of countries in managing public health events and emergencies with potential cross-border implications.

Among other points, they establish crucial reporting obligations for countries and criteria to identify “public health emergencies of international concern” and address international travel and transportation requirements, ensuring compliance with health documentation.

The Regulations were last updated almost 20 years ago, in 2005.

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