Why the personal touch is crucial to keeping your customers engaged

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Brands are facing a relevance crisis, but personalized digital experiences can help them maintain demand.

Let’s face it: the online content market is saturated. Brands have realized the importance of digital experiences and, with AI in their arsenal, are churning out content at breakneck speeds. But most AI-generated content is mundane and watered-down, and saturated digital channels are becoming increasingly ineffective.

Competing in a digital world is a whole new game. The bar has been set higher for content that customers actually pay attention to and engage with. To gain an advantage, your company’s content needs to be distinctive, authentic, and above all, personalized.

But personalization is difficult and requires a lot of time and resources to achieve at scale. It’s no wonder that many brands are turning to AI to give them a boost. While it’s true that AI technology can dramatically speed up processes, if used carelessly, it only adds to the existing landfill of meaningless words that plague today’s digital experiences.

If you work in marketing, you’ll quickly understand the math behind the problem of personalization at scale and why it’s often unrealistic. For example, let’s say a B2B SaaS company needs to personalize a single block of text for its audiences in four different geographic locations, for six industries, four personas, and three customer segments. That single block of text has been multiplied by 288 pieces of content.

Know your limits: While AI offers great potential for creating personalized experiences, it is not enough on its own (iStock)

When AI fails to deliver

To solve this problem, most brands are incorporating some version of AI tools into their workflows. But where do those tools fall short? For starters, large language models (LLMs) don’t have access to specific, relevant information about your brand or your audience, so all the content an LLM generates doesn’t have your brand’s voice and doesn’t target specific readers. Instead of standing out and capturing attention, the content fades into the background.

To produce truly worthwhile content, brands need to target AI intelligently and specifically. However, targeting AI technology still involves drawing on development resources and using manual processes that slow down time to market. These processes are also incredibly difficult to scale.

Traditional content management systems, add-on products, and legacy solutions can paint a sunshine-and-rainbows picture, promising to seamlessly integrate with your brand to create custom digital content. But the reality is often much more complicated. Add-on solutions and makeshift workarounds quickly become a burden by locking your business into inflexible, outdated workflows while saving you little time. Meanwhile, other, simpler, free tools simply aren’t up to the task when it comes time to scale.

That’s why you need a different kind of solution from a different kind of company, one built for the modern era and specifically focused on innovative solutions for the new landscape of personalized digital experiences.

AI is good, but not good enough

While AI offers remarkable potential for creating personalized experiences, it is not enough on its own. AI is incredibly powerful at generating content and predicting customer behavior. Still, it needs to be Perfectly tailored to your brand's unique voice, values ​​and product information. to unleash your full potential and truly connect with your customers.

How to make AI know your brand and your voice

The effectiveness of AI-powered personalization depends on its ability to reflect your brand’s personality and communicate authentically with your audience. AI models must be trained with your brand’s specific data, which encompasses unique value propositions, preferred messaging styles, and linguistic nuances.

This ensures that each piece of content accurately reflects your brand and resonates with your target audience, fostering genuine connections and improving brand loyalty.

Starting the decision engine for personalization

Creation of AI generatedBrand-relevant content is just the beginning. The next step is to integrate this content with a solid marketing strategy. decision engine Able to discern what content should be served to each user in real time.

This decision engine evaluates a variety of factors (user behavior, preferences, contextual triggers) to dynamically adjust and deliver personalized experiences that engage and convert.

It is important that the engine is integrated into the CMS and runs with little to no IT dependencies if you are truly considering scalable custom content.

Automation at scale

For all of this to work on a large scale, the entire process must be automated. This involves leveraging our advanced tools, such as Automateto seamlessly integrate AI capabilities with automation workflows. And we’re not just talking about automating the behind-the-scenes processes that creatives and content authors never see. We’re talking about automating the creation process itself, to achieve maximum scalability and maximum impact, from creation to delivery.

By automating these labor-intensive processes, businesses can ensure consistency, speed, and accuracy in delivering personalized content across all customer touchpoints—no matter how perplexing the math may be.

Partnering: Choosing the right technology partner is crucial to achieving success in personalization
Partnering: Choosing the right technology partner is crucial to achieving success in personalization (iStock)

Supplier selection: the fundamental role of experience

How to choose the right technology partner It is essential to achieve success in customization. It is essential to collaborate with suppliers who not only have a proven track record, but also offer a wealth of experience in your sector.

A partner with experience delivering scalable, customized solutions can accelerate your journey, helping you navigate complexities and achieve your goals with confidence and efficiency. Contentstack’s AI Accelerator program is designed to take customers from zero to a full AI implementation in as little as 45 days. The program includes access to comprehensive tools, workshops with Contentstack’s technical solutions organization, and Academy courses. This is just one part of our commitment to our customers’ long-term success.

Reimagining Personalization

Personalization is the key to differentiating your brand from the competition in today’s crowded online marketplace. Many businesses prioritize quantity over quality and neglect personalization in the name of efficiency and scale.

With Contentstack, intelligent automated personalization becomes your new reality, even when you need to deliver content to multiple audiences and endpoints. Contentstack's composable content platform combines the power of a composable content platform with the power of a single, multi-channel content platform. CMS without graphical interface with the intelligence and efficiency of AI-driven personalization.

Empower your developers and creatives to make agile decisions and maintain your brand voice at all times, across all channels.

It's time to reimagine personalization and unlock unprecedented possibilities for your brand.

For more information, please visit contentstack.com

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