Why investing in women is an upcoming vital step for companies in the United Kingdom

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EITHEROn International Women's Day, it is common, and important, and valid, to celebrate those who have stood out in their respective fields, who have had a significant impact in some way or perhaps have shown an outstanding character in others.

IndependentThe 2025 influence list, for example, presents those that shape society; Therefore, that does not necessarily mean that all there are only positive reasons behind their inclusion, but they are certainly prominent for high profile reasons in all areas.

However, it is also vital not to ignore those who make contributions to … a lower level of prominence, perhaps. Namely, women who shape the nation under be The nation: workers, employees, business owners, people who earn and spend money.

Say your opinion about what gender equality means for you.

So here is the thing: the United Kingdom has improved by encouraging and empowering women to become entrepreneurs, the promotion of those standing out in positions of power and seeing a growing number of investors.

However, there is more for parity, much less maximize the potential. It should be obvious why that matters, but a broader range of companies should generally benefit the economy, as well as more people, not just more men, having greater wealth.

Consider that a partner who offers to maintain the lifestyle that both want in retirement, perhaps, or if a daughter can pay attention in old age, reach the property scale or have a race taking precisely their own route.

The models to follow are, increasingly, there in the business world and in the executive directors of FTSE 100, they take a step forward to Margherita della Valle in Vodafone, Allison Kirkby of BT, Debra Crew in Diageo and more also, but there are many more SMEs than the public companies in the United Kingdom and that is still larger steps.

The gender index research shows that there are more women founding companies than ever before, however, like anyone with a small business, a lateral hustle or an independent concert, knows, from It's just a step in a very long road.

Following models are increasingly in the business world (Getty images)

What comes next, and all support, information, the ability to communicate and find what is needed to allow founders to push more and more with their businesses, still needs a lot of work. Too often, these decision -making processes and makers are still based on yesteryear when women were, say, not the priority of the workplace at all times.

“To promote real change for businesswomen and business leaders, we need to prioritize access: access to funds, networks and decision -making opportunities,” said Laura Wiggins, YFM Equity Partners Investment Director.

“Too often, women face barriers to ensure investment, not due to the lack of talent or ambition, but because traditional systems have not evolved to be really inclusive.

“The government and industry must work together to actively defend women led by women, increase representation in investment companies and promote a culture where women's companies are backed by the same confidence and capital as their male counterparts. When we invest in female founders, we invest in stronger businesses and a more balanced economy. “

Investment in women led by women received only 5.8 percent of all investments last year, Gender Index reported.

YFM directed a case study that highlighted other problems in which companies led by women should benefit even more in the future, including access to mentors, making knowledge accessible to a younger age and investment decisions taken by the group that are not necessarily reflecting from companies that seek funds, and that also goes beyond the division of men and women.

“To boost a real change, we must address the lack of diversity in investment decision making. Too often, financing decisions are taken by uniform groups that do not reflect the founders who throw them, ”said Karen Barrett, CEO of Nocessed.co.uk.

“In my own experience, it is significantly more difficult as a female founder to ensure investment when it comes to a panel of men who do not look or think like you. Improving diversity among investors is essential to break this cycle. Along with this, we must expand access to tutoring, networks and leadership development, equipping more women with resources and opportunities to climb their businesses. “

Investing in companies that have a high potential is one thing, but there is also an individual investment to consider: invest in you, your future, your wealth construction trip.

Nutmeg investment platform data show that the number of women who invest has increased by 71 percent in the last decade, with their “risk profiles”, how much risk they are willing to run with their investments, essentially, now almost exactly the same as that of the men they invest. Historically, it has been lower, potentially leading to lower performance of your money.

“While it is a positive step that more women are considering different ways of achieving their long -term financial objectives, it is not an excuse for complacency. We can still do more to rethink what the risk means when it comes to money, ”said Claire Exley, director of financial advice and guidance at Nutmeg.

“The industry must continue making investment products and services accessible and attractive to female investors to ensure that participation continues to increase. This can take many forms: increase the visibility of the models to follow feminine in the industry, improve access to financial education and offer investment portfolios that resonate with the priorities of investors, either in terms of risk or social responsibility, for example. “

It is not just about broad areas or approaches, such as “investment” as a whole.

Belinda Inocco, head of relations with investors of Ask Partners, explains that although “the growth of women's wealth continues to surpass those of men”, there are pockets where investments remain strongly inclined.

Only about a third of real estate investors are women, while “when it comes to commercial real estate, this falls to approximately 3 percent according to the investigation. As the richness of women grows, there is clearly more to do to encourage women to display their capital in real estate opportunities, “said Inocco.

Add an opinion survey for Zest that shows that 55 percent of women in the United Kingdom, feeling that their job package was inappropriate and a third that wanted better pension contributions and it is clear that businesses in general have more to do.

Mass national problems such as a new airport track, renewable energy investments and stock market listings are, of course, vital subjects when it comes to improving the national economic status, but it is equally crucial not to lose sight of the people they use (and finance those services, and do everything possible to allow them to maximize their ability to prosper and grow the wealth, for themselves and, in the turn!)

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