Why every company needs a water strategy

Wave is a Business Reporter client.

When it comes to commercial utilities, water rarely tops the list. Maybe that's because it's usually the smallest bill or the misconception that it's an unlimited resource. However, now is the time for all businesses to stop taking water for granted and start thinking about how and where they use it and treat it as a strategic asset.

Embracing this change can benefit your business, the environment and support the UK's path to Net Zero. In this article we will explore the five main reasons why every company needs a water strategy:

1. You could reduce your water bill. You pay for the water you use and the water you waste. By carrying out a leak and flow test and some simple checks on your premises, you can easily spot problems such as dripping taps and showers, leaking toilets and uncontrolled flushing urinals, all of which can add up to hundreds of pounds and thousands of litres. of water per year.

2. It could save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. Heating, cooling, purifying and pumping water is a regular part of many businesses' daily operations, but all of these processes require energy. By reviewing how and when you use water, you could not only reduce your water consumption but also your carbon emissions, resulting in financial savings for both utilities.

3. You are part of the government's nine per cent reduction target for non-domestic water. The UK will face significant water shortages in the next 20 to 30 years. It is expected that by 2050 we will need an additional 3.4 billion liters of water each day to meet demand. Fortunately, there are changes we can make now to reduce this deficit, and the Environment Act 2021 has set out a plan to start reducing water use by the end of 2038, which includes a nine percent water consumption reduction target for business.

4. It can help ensure future growth. Companies are responsible for around a third of all water used in the UK, so it's important to be strategic about how you use it. The amount of water available in your region could begin to restrict companies from opening new sites or completing large projects because wholesalers simply will not have the water to supply. Understanding your consumption and minimizing waste can help you plan ahead and ensure there's more to go around.

5. You can help the UK achieve its Net Zero targets. To help mitigate the effects of climate change and achieve Net Zero in the UK by 2050, industry groups across the country are working on large-scale projects such as hydrogen and carbon capture schemes to decarbonise UK industry . For these projects to be carried out, significant volumes of water will be needed. Being efficient now could help secure vital resources for the future.

Create your water strategy

A water strategy helps you understand how you currently use water and allows you to set goals to achieve your water-saving goals, whether that's reducing your consumption by nine percent or ensuring your long-term project has the resources water. needs.

Your water supplier can offer support in developing your water strategy, but to get started, we recommend:

  • Document who, what, when, where and why water is used at your site.
  • Understand your current water spending and see if it has changed over time
  • Review the data you have available and, ideally, collect more through regular meter readings, as this will help you detect trends in your consumption.
  • Scan your site to identify any quick repairs or improvements you can make right away, such as leaking valves or faucets.

In Wave, we are interested in working with new and existing customers to help you control your water consumption. We will use our internal expertise to offer advice and guidance on the best ways to manage it strategically.

Find out how your company could save water contact wave today.

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