Why BTC and Ethereum have no future, according to Investing.com experts

Investing.com – It seems that the days of unstoppable gains have come to a sudden and unexpected end. Many experts and investors agree: there will be no more bullish BTC gains. This gloomy prediction reflects the current sentiment dominating the cryptocurrency market.

At the start of the year, there was palpable euphoria. Meme coins were touted as the next big opportunity, with some coins predicted to have the potential to increase fiftyfold in value. But today, amid widespread pessimism, even dovish predictions, such as a five-fold increase in prices, appear to be wishful thinking.

Extreme swings in market sentiment are nothing new in the cryptocurrency universe. This emotionalism, which accompanies Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, drives prices to both impressive highs and dizzying lows. Cryptocurrency investors regularly experience highs followed by subsequent crashes.

Although the current market situation seems bleak, there are still positive developments to be noted. The acceptance of cryptocurrencies is advancing inexorably, which is an indicator of the potential and longevity of these digital assets. A clear example of this is the Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB).

ZKB, one of Switzerland’s largest financial institutions, now offers its customers the ability to trade, store and hold Bitcoin through its existing mobile apps and e-banking channels.

The service was introduced on September 4 in collaboration with Crypto Finance, a FINMA-regulated institution. ZKB’s decision shows that despite extreme market sentiment and predictions about the end of bull runs, a significant movement towards mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies is underway.

The widespread acceptance of cryptocurrencies in Switzerland fits well with the country’s overall climate, which is characterized by a positive attitude towards digital assets. Even the Swiss National Bank has an indirect position in Bitcoin, as it owns shares in MicroStrategy Incorporated (NASDAQ:), the largest BTC holder on the stock market.

In conclusion, it can be said that regardless of the current market turmoil and pessimistic forecasts, the actual movements and progress within the financial world speak of a long-term stability of this sector. It remains to be seen whether there will be another massive bull run, but the fact that more and more traditional financial institutions are integrating cryptocurrencies suggests a brighter future and genuine long-term acceptance.

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