What could change the collapse of the stock market and where are the hidden winners?

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A dramatic fall in US shares. On Monday it means that many of the world's largest companies are suddenly cheaper to buy than a week ago, since investors care about a possible recession.

The Benchmark S&P 500, the index of some of the largest public organizations in the United States, fell around 2.7 percent during the day, with the Nasdaq stock market with technological technology fell four percent complete, its worst day in three years.

This strong fall will be extended elsewhere, not only in the terms of the price of shares, but at the levels of trust of investors and concerns about the skills of companies to do business and complete sales in the United States. So what could the decrease stop and which companies have survived so far?

What happened to the United States Stock Market, and what happens in another place?

The S&P 500 has dropped almost 7.5 percent during the last month and waves have already felt. In Asia, the night trade saw the reference points take a fall in minced, with Japan 1.7 percent, Australia almost one percent below and more.

Meanwhile, in Europe, from 11 AM GMT on Tuesday, trade was mainly flat both in the London Stock Exchange for FTSE 100 (-0.15 percent) and CAC 40 of France (+0.16 percent), but the Dax of Germany had increased 0.4 percent.

The resilience of European markets is potentially due to the fact that there are fewer highly valued technological companies and stronger basic products, such as consumer goods and banks, in addition to the assessments were minor to begin with.

In the United States, large parts of the reason for the decline in the stock market have been the words and actions of President Donald Trump.

What caused the massive sale and how low could go?

Trump to announce the rates, as well as delay regularly, postpone or cancel, has caused uncertainty about which companies will prosper and which will have difficulty selling once the tariffs are added to the costs of their goods and services.

In turn, reciprocal tariffs and political uncertainty, changes in government in Germany and Canada, for example, contribute to general instability, which affects investors' confidence. When this level of trust is low, an approach is to eliminate money from the most risky assets, such as actions and actions, and that sales sale can send lower prices.

(Getty Images/Istockphoto)

Investment and assets administrators in Aberdeen now have a price in 15 percent chance of Trump focusing on the “aspects of the market of their agenda”, instead of waiting to see more tariffs, although Lizzy Galbraith, a political economist of Aberdeen, still sees the “foundations of the economy as solids.” The expectation is that there will be “winds against growth and inflation for the economy of the United States.”

In terms of the stock market itself, AJ Bell Investment Director Russ Mold, was more forceful:

“There is an old saying that 'stocks go up the mechanical staircase and fall in the elevator', and as most sayings there are more than a real grain, it seems that we are seeing another example at this time,” he said. Independent.

“Trump is determined to” make the United States great again “, but in regards to investors, the United States is already great. The S&P 500 and the main indices have surpassed their international counterparts to such an extent that the S&P500 represents more than 60 percent of the world capitalization of the stock market.

“Add the history of the presidents who offer support during the previous episodes of the market struggle, to the 1998 LTCM coverage fund crisis, and can see why investors were optimistic to the point of complacency, since they expected a softer trip on that mechanical staircase.

“And that is where the elevator enters, if the high valuations and high expectations find unexpected problems.”

Is a rebound likely to be?

Not only can the president's comments affect the prices of individual actions, of course. When the valuations are high and the trust of investors is flying, the slightest failure in the reported earnings or unexpected negative news, such as the Fury Deepseak earlier this year, can send high prices in the sky in a short time.

But for a broader market correction, it is often uncertainty of that strong economic growth behind it.

Therefore, to stop or reverse a decrease, in this case you may need political guidance on what happens later, but the Trump administration seems more concerned about national debt than market performance at this time, Mold added.

(Getty Images/Istockphoto)

“You can see why, given the federal debt of $ 36TN (£ 27TN) and $ 1.1TN (£ 850 billion) of the annual interest invoice, a sum that will engulf a fifth of the tax taking.

“That is why the Administration is looking for income (tariffs, more jobs and home production) and expenses (smaller government). In this regard, the plan is working, since the performance of the 10 -year reference treasure bonds has decreased since November 5, in contrast to the modest increase observed in 10 -year -old gold performance in the United Kingdom and large jumps in the costs of government loans in Japan and Germany. “

Ultimately, the stock market essentially works when qualifying, at least in an ideal world of efficiency, in terms of prices, so when the lower part is reached, it is because that is the point that investors believe that the risk must be eliminated once again.

If this is a correction or beginning of a longer recession, it will only be shown in time, of course.

The hidden winners so far, and should investors buy the dip?

Not everyone has seen their actions fall. Bad news for many are still an opportunity for some.

We have previously seen how Europe has initially avoided a fall in the stock market, while individual companies, in this continent and in the United States, have seen increases.

The energy company of $ 156 billion (£ 120 billion) Nextera increased 4.5 percent, Financial Services Exchange CME Group increased by three percent, the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company pharmaceutical organization increased 3.3 percent.

Choosing individual winners in the short term at a time like this is not for the weak heart, but observing the long -term term, or they will, investors feel tempted to analyze significant levels in prices: Tesla fell 15 percent on Monday alone, 17 percent, 19 percent of Robinhood and more, and do you think that individual companies could jump again on Monday?

In other words, is this buying the immersion territory?

“That is a brave question after a great race of Toro, fueled by actions of memes, spaces, a boom in the one -day options, the ETF leveraged and the sky know what else, including a cryptographic player who buys a banana for $ 6.2 million as art and then eats it,” warns Aj Bell's Mr Mold.

“You don't see it at the bottom of the markets. Some risk and sincere contemplation may not be bad. “

On the other hand, you cannot move away from the fact that in terms of the price of the actions measured against the usual gains of the profits, etc., the companies are cheaper than they were only a few weeks ago, YeahWhat is more important that the previous rate of doing business (profits, income, costs, etc.) should be maintained.

“Business models have not changed. The price has and the mood continues the price, on the road up and down. It will be interesting to see if this emboldene to the bears and short vendors that have been largely hibernating or leaving the city for the past five years, ”Mold added.

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