Web3 Company Safe Haven Announces World's First Multi-Patented, Multi-Signature, Multi-Chain Digital Backup and Inheritance Solution from Chainwire

Brussels, Belgium, September 2, 2024, Chainwire

The company completely revamped its original product to meet the needs of the web3 community, and also to make the product accessible to web2 users.Safe Haven, a web3 company providing decentralized solutions for data backup, inheritance, and transfer, today announced the launch of Inheriti® 2.0, a multi-patented, multi-signer, distributed storage solution for digital data access and digital inheritance that enables cryptocurrency owners to securely backup their private keys or secret data while maintaining full custody of it.

The new product is a complete revamp of its V1.0 version, which only offered digital legacy, an industry estimated to reach a market size of $52 billion by 2030.

Inheriti® V2.0 introduces a completely separate workflow for backup plans and legacy plans, a huge feature. With the new workflow, users can release their data in less than a minute. The system allows users to protect private keys, seed phrases, credit card details, online accounts, or any plaintext data using the company’s proprietary Secure Share Distribution Protocol (SSDP).

Patents for this technology are valid in the US under patent number US11316668B2 and in Europe under number EP3654578B1. The Chinese patent is pending.

The patents are held by SafeTech Labs, Safe Haven's holding company that develops the Safe Haven technology ecosystem.

SSDP is a cutting-edge technology designed to ensure the highest security and reliability in digital asset management. SSDP uses proprietary techniques spanning encryption and fragmentation, distributed storage, and controlled recovery. The technology is central to Inheriti®’s protection of digital data, setting new industry standards for encryption and decentralization.

Additionally, Inheriti® V2.0 features:

● A mobile application for secure storage of encrypted shared resources.

● Broader options to customize each plan.

● Complete user interface (UI) overhaul for exceptional user experience (UX).

● Web2 payment options.

● Latest security improvements.

● The ability to add a “social circle” backup plan that requires a minimum number of users to gather together to decrypt it, useful for enterprise and DAO backup plans.

● Billing for individual users and companies.

● 100% compliance with privacy regulations.

“Web3 and blockchain are the only technologies capable of securely addressing the needs of private key backup solutions today,” said Jürgen Schouppe, CEO and co-founder of Safe Haven and SafeTech Labs. “Inheriti® V2.0 is the world’s first product to implement all industry best practices to ensure users maintain custody of their keys and seed phrases while avoiding the risk of data loss if they lose their backup credentials.”

Several third-party security tests have confirmed that Safe Haven does not store any user keys on its backend systems.

“We firmly believe in the motto ‘if it’s not your keys, it’s not your crypto’, and we’ve designed every aspect of Inheriti® to ensure this always remains the case,” Schouppe said.

Inheriti® uses a combination of triggers and data shares that must be combined in a controlled manner to successfully decrypt the entire backup package. Users can also set up a “Dead Man's Change (NYSE:)” which will continue its course and release the keys to the designated beneficiaries if the user is unable to participate in the decryption themselves.

The Inheriti® service will be available starting August 29, 2024, and users can create their backup plans here:

For more information on Inheriti® V2.0, please visit

About Safe Haven: Founded in 2017, Safe Haven specializes in data backup, inheritance, and transfer products. Safe Haven’s product ecosystem includes a hardware appliance, a custom wallet, a blockchain development services platform, an identity management solution, and other web3 solutions. SafeTech Labs, the company behind Safe Haven’s technology, holds patents in the U.S. and Europe, and has a patent pending in China.

ContactExecutive DirectorJurgen SchouppeSafe haven[email protected]

This article was originally published on Chainwire

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