The legendary merchant Peter Brandt predicts pain and bomb for the price of Bitcoin by U.

U.TODAY – Popular trader Peter Brandt has shared his latest outlook on the (BTC) price chart, predicting both a potential dump and a bomb for the top cryptocurrency. According to him, Bitcoin's current price movements suggest an imminent decline ahead of what could be a significant recovery. Chart analysis suggests that if BTC price breaks through the $65,000 mark, it could fall further to $60,000. A drop below $60,000 could take the price as low as $48,000.

The analysis comes as Bitcoin has struggled to maintain its previous highs, falling 3.86% this week to around $66,000. The cryptocurrency has not reached a new high in 91 days, contributing to the bearish sentiment among market participants.

Despite the short-term bearish outlook, Brandt also identifies growth potential. His chart includes a note about a “pump,” a term he has used before to describe the bounce phase in Bitcoin price cycles. Earlier this year, when Bitcoin was trading at $42,300, Brandt highlighted the “hump with dip, then pump and dump” pattern, noting that such moves are common in bull runs.

According to Brandt, this pattern separates inexperienced traders, who buy during the “pump” phase only to sell at a loss during the “dump,” from experienced investors who understand the cyclical nature of crypto. He believes these patterns are essential to maintaining a healthy uptrend.

Currently, Brandt sees a similar scenario, in which Bitcoin could see a significant drop, followed by a strong pump that would start around the $60,000 level.

This article was originally published on U.Today.

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