Sonic 100K Wallet Milestone Paves Path to Mainnet Launch by Chainwire

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 30, 2024, Chainwire

Sonic, the first atomic SVM chain to enable sovereign gaming economies, reached a significant milestone with its recently launched incentivized testnet, “Odyssey,” reaching 100,000 connected wallets and over 17 million transactions in the lead-up to the launch of a main network.

Supported by Sonic’s latest fundraising from multi-strategy cryptocurrency investment firm Cypher Capital allows it to expand its ecosystem in the run-up to mainnet launch and support growth by expanding its core development, gaming relations, and marketing teams globally. Currently, Sonic’s active testnet invites users to participate in a variety of on-chain activities such as sending transactions and playing games to debut Sonic.

“Cypher Capital has been a great partner in helping us expand our ecosystem into new territories,” said Chris Zhu, Founder of Sonic. “With a broad community network and critical connections to relevant funds, together we are bringing gaming to Solana.”

As the only Solana virtual machine game chain, Cypher supports Sonic’s go-to-market strategy. Built on a horizontal scaling framework called HyperGrid, a rollup framework that is built on Solana, Sonic allows any game to launch its own blockchain rollup, unlocking the ability for customization in the design of new sovereign game economies.

“We are excited to support Sonic in building the first SVM L2 gaming chain, designed to expand the Solana gaming ecosystem,” said Harsh Agarwal, Investment Lead at Cypher Capital. “Chris has exceptional insight and vision as a founder and we have great confidence in his vision to enable gaming economies on Solana.”

About Sonic

Sonic is the first atomic SVM chain built to enable sovereign game economies on Solana. Sonic enables sovereign game economies that are accumulated and settled on Solana. Built on the first concurrent scaling framework for Solana, called HyperGrid, Sonic is the first to offer a Grid orchestrated by said framework.

About Cypher Capital

Cypher Capital is a leading early-stage venture capital firm focused on investing in Web3 infrastructure and applications that will power the new digital economy. Guided by environmental, social, and governance criteria in every investment decision, Cypher is shaping the future of digital currencies, public markets, and Web3.

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This article was originally published on Chainwire

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