Kiyosaki sits down with Kinesis to talk about 'The Evolution of Money' by Chainwire

London, United Kingdom, May 13, 2024, Chainwire

Robert Kiyosaki, renowned businessman and author of the best-selling educational series 'Rich Dad Poor Dad', joins Andrew Maguire on this week's episode of Live from the Vault.

This week, a precious metals commentary show hosted by renowned London whistleblower takes viewers through the current economic landscape and explains how everyone can take steps to preserve their wealth.

“I save gold and silver. “I don’t save dollars.”

Kiyosaki talks about how ordinary people are used to spending and saving in centralized fiat currency issued by banks, commonly known as “paper money.”

“My mom and dad had no idea,” Kiyosaki says. The average person cannot necessarily see the difference between “real money and fake money.”

He continues: “… they went back to clinging to paper, to their college degrees… People have been conditioned and programmed to take paper instead of real material, which violates Gresham's law.”

Gresham's Law states that when “bad money” enters a system, people hold on to “good money,” which causes valuable assets like gold and silver to leave the system.

Kiyosaki explains how paper assets, such as dollars, pounds or yen, are subject to large-scale monetary devaluation due to central bank money printing. He contrasts saving in fiduciary and paper assets with owning tangible assets, such as real estate and precious metals.

Kiyosaki comments: “I save gold and silver. I don't save dollars,” an attitude he has adopted since his time as an Army pilot in Vietnam, which coincided with Nixon's closing of the gold window in 1971.

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BRICS Central Bank Gold Demand

When discussing the BRICS nations, Kiyosaki highlights a growing divide between East and West, with eastern nations such as Russia and China stockpiling gold to create a currency backed by the precious metal.

The evolution of money

The conversation concludes with an assessment of the Kinesis ecosystem; a sustainable and fair monetary alternative, which has already demonstrated its potential to help users around the world counteract the impact of a fiat-based economy.

Kinesis' gold and silver-based coins, KAU and KAG, are backed by fully allocated and fully audited gold and silver, which can be universally spent by card, by leveraging blockchain technology.

Kiyosaki expresses excitement about Kinesis' ability to easily allocate a portfolio between gold and silver, spend with a debit card, and receive payments every month through Kinesis' innovative returns system.

He calls Kinesis a game changer, considering it “the evolution of money.”

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About Kinesis Money

Kinesis is an end-to-end monetary system based 1:1 on physical gold and silver. Founded in 2017, Kinesis formed a strategic partnership with Allocated Bullion Exchange with global institutional metals exchanges for over a decade.

With $10 billion transacted as of 2021, Kinesis has driven rapid expansion on a global scale, amassing a customer base in over 150 countries.

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Through robust vault infrastructure and innovative financial technology, Kinesis reintroduces gold and silver as money. The platform allows citizens around the world to protect their wealth outside of the volatility of the traditional banking system.

ContactZubair BukhariKinesis Money[email protected]

This article was originally published on Chainwire.

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