Isa's millionaires are on the rise: here are the actions and actions in which they invest

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The data published this week by Hargreaves Lansdown, the largest investment platform in the United Kingdom, revealed the number of people who are millionaires for the value of the assets held in their isas shares and shares is increasing.

Now there are 1,322 ISA in its system that total seven figures in December, they said.

That is an increase of more than 14 percent of only six months before, Yahoo's finance report, and the platform also releases the names of companies that are generally supported by their millionaires Isa.

Most are British British British companies and those that have a history of dividend payments, which, when they are aggravated in the long term, can add to impressive profits.

ISAS – individual savings accounts – are products that allow people to save or invest their money in a tax free environment.

“Some people enter the investment in the hope of raging quickly, but the vast majority of Isa's millionaires have built a fortune through the much more reliable approach to enrich themselves slowly,” said Kate Marshall, an investment analyst directed in HL.

“They do not necessarily take huge risks: many constantly invest as much as possible of their annual allocation, in a diverse and balanced portfolio, every year, for decades.”

People in the United Kingdom can put a maximum of £ 20,000 per year in their ISA, distributed as Issas, actions and actions Isa, isas for life and more.

The ten most popular actions in Hargreaves Lansdown (HL) isa millionaire accounts were:

  1. Legal and general
  2. Phoenix group
  3. Aviva
  4. Ig Group Holdings
  5. Beeks Financial Cloud Group
  6. BP
  7. River River
  8. M & g
  9. Michelmersh Brick Holdings

Several of them are unconditional of the London Stock Exchange, with insurers, energy companies and mining companies that tend to pay strong dividends, although the prices of shares themselves can be cyclical.

However, in the long term, that tends not to be an important concern for investors, since the composite profits obtained by reinvesting dividends in the stock can, but not always, but compensate for that.

In addition to individual actions, HL pointed out that a wide combination of popular funds appeared in most millionaire accounts.

These tended to focus on global companies, although a United Kingdom headquarters based on the United Kingdom also appeared. The funds administered by Legal & General constituted half of the main funds invested, according to the data.

Of these, the Legal & General Global Technology Index Trust has been better during the past year, returning 37.68 percent.

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