How machine learning and robotics are revolutionizing real estate marketing

Giraffe360 is a Business Reporter client

Samy Jeffries, Chief Customer Officer at Giraffe360, an AI and robotics company based in London and Manchester, discusses how the company’s innovative camera technology is transforming property marketing for real estate agents and brokers globally.

Business Reporter: Giraffe360

Capturing the essence of a property through high-quality images is crucial in the fast-paced world of real estate, where a sale can make or break based on the strength of the images. And Giraffe360, a UK-based artificial intelligence and robotics company, is transforming this process with its cutting-edge technology.

“At Giraffe360, we’ve created market-leading technology that enables real estate professionals to generate a wealth of marketing content – ​​virtual tours, floor plans, videos, HDR stills – without any technical or editing skills,” says Samy Jeffries, Director of Customer Success.

Giraffe360’s innovation lies in its extraordinary hardware, the Giraffe360 Go Cam. This device allows real estate agents to capture full property images effortlessly. “The client brings the camera to the property, places it on the tripod and presses ‘Scan’. We take over 200,000 point measurements using our in-house designed LiDAR,” explains Samy. This process ensures a full 360-degree view, with HDR images highlighting both interior and exterior details.

Gathered by intelligence

What sets Giraffe360 apart is its robust backend software. Data is processed by sophisticated in-house AI models. “We’ve trained our machine learning models on tens of thousands of properties to deliver amazing real estate content,” says Samy. One model combines multiple exposures to achieve high image quality, while another identifies windows and doors, helping to create accurate floor plans.

Once assets have been assembled and automatically fine-tuned, Giraffe360’s advanced editing suite gives users full control and customization of their content. Users can adjust saturation, white balance, and contrast to achieve the desired look and feel, with a variety of custom presets and branding options that can be applied instantly.

This customization is key for agents looking to differentiate their listings and build their brand identity. “Our editing suite and branding capabilities allow our clients to put their own brand on their content and spread it across all the platforms they use to market properties,” adds Samy.

No experience required: Virtual tours, floor plans, videos, and HDR stills are easy to make with Giraffe 360, even without editing knowledge. (Giraffe360)

Save time, save money

The benefits of Giraffe360’s technology go beyond quality and ease of use. The Go Cam and its associated services provide significant cost savings to real estate professionals. “Not only do we have an incredibly low barrier to entry from a cost standpoint, but we also save our real estate agents and real estate professionals tons and tons of time,” says Samy. By streamlining the content creation process, Giraffe360 allows real estate agents to focus on their core activities, ultimately improving productivity and efficiency.

Founded by two Latvian brothers, Mikus and Madars Opelts, Giraffe360 has a strong presence in both the UK and Latvia, with additional offices in Switzerland and the US. The company’s state-of-the-art technology centre, manufacturing facility and R&D centre are located in Riga, Latvia. This strategic setup allows Giraffe360 to continually innovate and stay ahead of the curve. “All of this amazing back-end hardware and software is built and designed in-house by our team, with manufacturing taking place in Riga,” says Samy.

This in-house development capability ensures that Giraffe360 can quickly iterate and improve its products.

A clear example of Giraffe360’s innovation is its precision LiDAR technology, incorporated into the fourth version of the Go Cam. “By developing and building this new LiDAR technology in-house, we have been able to reduce the time it takes to capture a property by almost 50 percent, while also providing new data sets such as Point Cloud and DXF,” explains Samy. Giraffe360 is also committed to ensuring that customers have full ownership of their data and content, giving them complete privacy and control.

International Appeal: Founded by two Latvian brothers, Mikus and Madars Opelts, Giraffe360 has a strong presence in both the UK and Latvia.
International Appeal: Founded by two Latvian brothers, Mikus and Madars Opelts, Giraffe360 has a strong presence in both the UK and Latvia. (Giraffe360)

The future of real estate technology

Looking ahead, Giraffe360 aims to further automate its processes and content creation for its users in order to deliver assets to clients faster and more efficiently. “We want to reduce the time it takes to get our assets back to our clients,” says Samy. “We want to be the fastest and we want clients to be able to list their properties at unmatched speed, while also enabling users to publish high-quality content across multiple platforms seamlessly by integrating with global listing sites.”

With nearly a decade of experience, Giraffe360 is well positioned to continue leading the way in property visualization and real estate marketing. “The future of real estate marketing will be about convenience, automation, and trust. These are three aspects that we have placed extreme importance on,” concludes Samy. By staying true to these principles, Giraffe360 is poised to help real estate agents create top-notch content and stay ahead of the competition, all while maintaining authenticity and trust with their clients.

Watch a virtual tour of Giraffe360 here.

Discover how Giraffe360 can transform your real estate marketing today!

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