Europe's telecommunications infrastructure: a vision for connectivity and sustainability

American Tower is a Business Reporter client.

Business Reporter: Torre Americana

In an exclusive interview with Thierry Amarger, CEO of American Tower, Europe, a global provider of digital communications infrastructure, a compelling vision emerges for the future of digital communications in Europe. Against a backdrop of impressive advances in network deployment and a commitment to sustainability, Amarger outlines both the achievements and challenges in the continent's journey towards gigabit connectivity.

“Europe has made great strides,” says Amarger, highlighting the significant progress made in both 4G and 5G coverage. With coverage of almost 100 percent of the population in most countries for 4G and 5G already exceeding 80 percent, Europe is at the forefront of technological adoption and expansion.

However, Amarger recognizes that the outlook is not without obstacles. With 27 regulations governing different markets across Europe, navigating the regulatory framework poses a challenge for industry players, including long and complex permitting procedures. American Tower, he says, “needs to create the right economic equation for investing.” In particular, ensuring profitability in remote areas with sparse populations remains a key economic challenge. However, Amarger's company addresses this problem by following a neutral host approach and sharing passive physical infrastructure, thus making investment in such regions financially viable.

Beyond infrastructure, Amarger emphasizes the importance of people-centered values ​​and sustainability initiatives. “Our number one asset is our people,” she says, highlighting the company's commitment to diversity and empowerment and, as she reveals, “it is really important for us to attract and retain the best talent. And we believe that taking care of our people is a good way to do it.”

By fostering diversity and inclusion, with employees representing 46 nationalities and 42 percent gender diversity, the company cultivates an environment conducive to innovation and growth.

Amarger highlights the importance of environmental sustainability in the telecommunications sector. Through initiatives such as investing in renewable energy and optimizing energy consumption, his company has achieved a notable 33 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per tower since 2020. This commitment to sustainability aligns with environmental goals and demonstrates the positive impact of collaborative infrastructure sharing.

As Europe continues to evolve its telecommunications infrastructure, Amarger's insights offer a roadmap for progress. By addressing challenges, embracing sustainability, nurturing talent and fostering innovation, Europe is poised to remain at the forefront of global connectivity and American Tower is pleased to help make this journey possible. Through collaborative efforts and a shared vision for the future, the continent is ready to realize its ambition for a more connected and sustainable world.

Amarger envisions a future marked by further evolution of network technologies, including AI-powered autonomous networks, cloud-based infrastructure, and emerging applications such as virtual reality and autonomous vehicles. He highlights Europe's role in driving these innovations and reaffirms his company's commitment to building a more connected and sustainable world.

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