Dormant Bitcoin (BTC) address returns to activity after 10,400% gain according to U.Today

U.Today – After 10.6 years of inactivity, another address (BTC) has emerged in the ecosystem. According to data from Whale Alert, the Bitcoin address contained 149 BTC valued at $8,590,673 at the time of reactivation.

It's the right time to come back

Many Bitcoin wallets have come back to life in recent months. While each of these wallets has reasons to come back from their slumber, the accumulated gains mark an important catalyst driving this revival.

This latest return came with a total gain of over 10,400%. At the time the wallet received the 149 BTC it had been HODLing for all these years, the value of the coins was set at $81,667, sometime in 2013. With a valuation now exceeding $8.5 million, the whale has achieved one of the largest trading gains on the market right now.

From 2013 to the date the whale emerged from its slumber, Bitcoin has experienced a number of milestones. From the first major all-time high (ATH) above $17,000 in 2017 to over $69,000 in November 2021, and recently $73,750, waiting for more action to occur might seem like too much for the whale.

Joining the new era of Bitcoin

Unlike many of the Bitcoin addresses that return to the ecosystem, there are no signs of any funds being transferred from this whale. It remains a difficult task to determine where or when this Bitcoin address will choose to liquidate its holdings.

If they do decide to transfer the funds, there are many potential options for how they can be used, as the Bitcoin ecosystem has grown significantly over the years. With DeFi on Bitcoin and Ordinals Registration, there are multiple reasons why a late sale could pay off in the end.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin price is up 1.89% in 24 hours to $58,681.74, a major relief after an extended decline.

This article was originally published on U.Today

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