Dogecoin and Bitcoin Headed to the Moon with Epic Rocket Launch Today by U.Today

© Reuters Dogecoin and Bitcoin are heading to the Moon with epic rocket launch today

U.Today – In a groundbreaking move, today they are taking a leap into the cosmos as they embark on a journey with United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) Vulcan Centaur rocket. The Foundation’s recent social media confirmed that the rocket’s payload includes a real replica of DOGE, in addition to the Astrobotic Peregrine lunar lander, a vital component of NASA’s initiative.

At the same time, the exchange, in collaboration with its founder Arthur Hayes, declared its intention to send , the leading cryptocurrency, on the same historic lunar voyage. Hayes enthusiastically dubbed the mission “Bitcoin to the Moon,” foreseeing its legendary status in the cryptocurrency space.

The mission

After a series of delays spanning five years, the Vulcan Centaur heavy launch vehicle makes its debut today, carrying the Peregrine lunar lander for NASA’s Commercial Lunar Cargo Services program. The intricate journey to and from the Moon is planned to unfold in nine distinct stages, from initial launch to a high elliptical orbit and landing on the lunar surface.

The collaboration between the world of cryptocurrencies and space exploration represents an important milestone for both industries, capturing the interest of enthusiasts around the world. At the time of writing this article, the launch has already taken place. There were no problems during takeoff. It can be officially stated: Dogecoin and Bitcoin to the moon!

This article was originally published on U.Today.

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