Court releases final ruling in Craig Wright lawsuit by U.Today

U.Today – In a new update on the legal battle between self-proclaimed Satoshi Craig Wright and the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), a coalition of prominent cryptocurrency companies, Judge Mellor issued his written ruling that Craig Wright is not Satoshi .

Over the years, Wright has boldly claimed that he is the mastermind behind it. This claim has been met with skepticism and controversy, leading to a legal battle with the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), a consortium of leading cryptocurrency companies. COPA's lawsuit, filed in 2023, accused Wright of extensive falsification of documents to bolster his claims.

The climax of the legal saga came on March 14, 2024, when the court dismissed Wright's claims as unfounded. The judge criticized Wright's evidence as unreliable and his narrative as fabricated, and ultimately rejected his claim to Bitcoin as intellectual property. The ruling not only discredits Wright's narrative but also reinforces the mysterious aura surrounding Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity.

Now the court has published an approved ruling in this regard. According to a written ruling handed down on May 20, Judge Mellor announced the outcome of the Satoshi identity issue after final submissions were concluded.

The statement continues: “First, Dr. Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin White Paper. Second, Dr. Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period between 2008 and 2011. Third, Dr. Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin system. Fourth, Dr. Wright is not the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin software.”

The implications of this ruling, which has already been written, are profound for the cryptocurrency industry. It reaffirms the decentralized and leaderless spirit of Bitcoin, ensuring that no individual can claim its origins. Additionally, it puts an end to one of the most controversial and publicized claims about Satoshi Nakamoto's pseudonym.

As the dust settles on this legal dispute, the crypto community must reflect on the enduring mystery of the identity of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. While many have claimed or been linked to the name, the anonymity of Bitcoin's creator remains intact, preserving the fundamental principle of a currency free from the control of any person or entity.

This article was originally published on U.Today.

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