Chainwire's World's First Free Lifetime AI Tokens

Newport Beach, California, United States, June 24, 2024, Chainwire, a pioneering force in the world of wealth distribution, is proud to announce the launch of Proof of You (PoY) AI tokens, the world's first free lifetime AI tokens. This innovative initiative seeks to democratize access to digital assets, striving to make Universal Basic Income (UBI) a tangible reality for everyone, regardless of their economic situation.'s mission is to remove barriers to entry in the digital asset space. Unlike traditional digital assets that require upfront investments, PoY AI tokens will be distributed for free. This bold move is designed to empower people in underserved communities, giving them access to the future benefits of digital assets and fostering economic growth.

PoY AI Tokens leverage AI and blockchain technologies to seamlessly generate custom AI tokens for each user. Users in select countries will be able to access the free PoY AI tokens, with the expectation that these tokens will soon be open for public trading. All users will be able to take advantage of the platform's additional offers, including games, videos and future digital assets such as coupons.

In addition to the initial free distribution of PoY AI tokens, is introducing a unique benefit to its first million users: lifetime PoY AI tokens. These users will receive 12 free PoY AI tokens every month for the next 60 years. This long-term commitment to our users underscores our dedication to financial inclusion and the lasting impact of digital assets. The company is currently promoting global mass adoption of the app for online and offline communities through multiple upcoming events.

Key features and benefits

  • Free Distribution: PoY AI tokens are distributed free of charge, making them accessible to anyone with an internet connection through our mobile and desktop interface.
  • Monthly PoY AI Tokens: Users will receive 12 free Proof of You tokens (PoY AI Tokens) every month for 60 years, enabling a digital Universal Basic Income.
  • Global Reach: is committed to reaching users in every corner of the world, promoting financial inclusion and equality for all.

“At, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in the digital economy,” said Arthur Qin, founder of “By providing free AI Proof of You (PoY) tokens for life, we are dismantling financial barriers and unlocking new opportunities for millions of people. Our AI-powered platform ensures accessibility, security and efficiency. We are delighted to lead the movement towards a world more inclusive financial future.”


Founded by Silicon Valley experts, is dedicated to reshaping financial inclusion through AI Proof of You (PoY) tokens and Universal Basic Income (UBI), using biometric scans for secure, feel-free digital asset transactions. The Company aims to close financial gaps and revolutionize the distribution of wealth globally. Our technology sits at the intersection of Web2 and Web3, expanding the utility of digital assets.

Users can join here:

ContactAir conditioning technology[email protected]

This article was originally published on Chainwire.

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