Businesses affected by Brexit urge Labor and Conservatives to cut EU tariffs

The next UK government must urgently focus on a better trading relationship with the EU as Brexit has increased costs and hampered exports, one of the country's most influential business networks has said.

The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) published its election manifesto on Tuesday, citing improved relations with the trading bloc as part of its five demands for whoever wins the July 4 general election.

The manifesto says leaving the EU made it “more expensive and bureaucratic to sell our goods and services across the Channel” but that better terms are possible to help businesses trade.

Shevaun Haviland, director general of the BCC, said: “The EU is the UK’s largest market, so we urgently need to achieve a better trading relationship with our closest neighbour.

“This is not about rewriting the referendum result, but about reducing bureaucracy and promoting trade.”

Both Labor and the Conservatives have come under fire for avoiding debate over Brexit and the country's future relationship with Europe.

writing in The independentConservative great Michael Heseltine, a leading figure in Margaret Thatcher's government, said this general election will be “the most dishonest in modern times” because of the refusal of the main parties to debate the consequences of Brexit.

He said: “The state of our economy, defense and environment, the need to raise the standard of our society, control immigration and restore Britain's position in the world. None of these questions can be honestly addressed outside of our relationship with Europe. However, Europe is the forbidden zone.”

Lord Michael Heseltine warns that the election campaign will be
Lord Michael Heseltine warns the election campaign will be “dishonest” (Aaron Chown/PA) (PA file)

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer wants to build closer ties with the EU, but has previously ruled out Britain rejoining the Single Market or Customs Union, or regaining freedom of movement.

Horticulture and food companies have previously warned that bureaucracy due to physical border controls that began in April this year could create an “existential” crisis.

The National Audit Office (NAO) said in a report earlier this month that the government had no clear timetable to fully implement its post-Brexit border controls with the EU.

The government has stated the goal of having the “world's most effective border” by 2025, but the NAO said the strategy “lacks a clear timetable and integrated intergovernmental delivery plan”.

He said repeated changes and postponements to the plan to introduce full import controls have created uncertainty for businesses and additional costs for the government and ports.

Research by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) showed that almost one in 10 small businesses that used to export or import goods have stopped doing so in the last five years, partly due to costs, the volume of paperwork and the chain supply or logistics. affairs.

Martin McTague, national chair of the FSB, said: “The new border processes have been worryingly complex and costly for SMEs. “The lack of a coordinated policy approach has led to confusion, and it is right that these challenges have been highlighted in the NAO report.”

He added: “With more change on the horizon, it is crucial that small businesses are able to plan for the future. They need clarity and certainly don't have time to unravel confusing messages from a variety of different Whitehall departments. The Government should communicate with SMEs with one voice, setting clear and realistic deadlines for any future changes.

“The government must ensure that changes are better planned, programmed and tested to ensure operations run smoothly. “This will minimize the damage to trade and indeed to our global international reputation.”

The independent previously reported that Brexit is leaving a hole of almost £100 billion in the UK's annual exports, making the British economy worse off than it would have been if it had remained in the European Union.

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