Boosting business: award-winning companies share the secret to success

He Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards, recognized as one of the UK's largest awards programmes, represents the pinnacle of recognition for British businesses. With a robust calendar of networking events throughout the year, the program not only celebrates outstanding companies in various sectors, but also champions the values ​​of sustainability, diversity and equality. It nurtures a dynamic community of entrepreneurs and businesses that have demonstrated exceptional success over the years.

As the awards team prepares for the fourth year of this esteemed event, we reached out to previous winners to explore their journey, motivations and the profound impact the win has had on their businesses and teams.

Mica Robins, business operations manager at Utility Line, which received the Scale Up Business of the Year 2023 award, reveals that participating in this “respected awards process” served to recognize the company's progress and growth in its formative years . . For Utility Line, the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards mean more than mere accolades – they are a celebration of achievement, a catalyst for growth and a tribute to the collective efforts that drive businesses to success.

Recognition in the awards serves as validation of the extraordinary dedication, time and skills invested in the companies. As Alex Lovén MBE, CEO and founder of Net World Sports, winner of the 2023 Medium Business of the Year award, suggests: “It's not just a trophy on a shelf; is a testament to our joint effort and achievement,” underlining the increased morale, reaffirmed commitment to excellence and opening new doors for partnerships and opportunities it has provided.

Participation offers an invaluable opportunity to connect with peers, witness their praise, and foster camaraderie and collaboration. Dr Raphael Sofoluke, Founder and CEO of UK Black Business Show, previous winner of The Lloyds Bank DE&I Champion of the Year award, reflects on the motivation derived from recognition from his peers, driving them to seek similar recognition and contributing to growth collective. and triumph. “Attending the awards ceremony in 2022, I was deeply inspired by the celebration of businesses from across the UK,” he recalls. “It was particularly motivating to see several well-known companies within our ecosystem receive praise. This experience was the driving force behind our decision to apply for the awards.”

Boosting business

Winning an award at the British Business Excellence Awards also helps to broaden visibility and facilitate expansion opportunities. As Matt Dyson, co-founder and CEO of Rockit, winner of the Department of Business and Trade’s 2023 Exporter of the Year award, reflects: “The publicity of winning such a prestigious award has helped us further grow our international footprint with new distribution. agreements signed in Scandinavia and Mexico.”

Naomi Roberts, Co-Founder and CEO of Flare Audio Ltd, and Innovation Award winner, echoes this sentiment. “We have sold over 2 million pairs of Calmers (double what we sold this time last year) and have a strong email database of over 800,000. A huge increase of over 100,000 from last year.”

Participating in such a respected awards program fosters a culture of excellence and continuous improvement within organisations, encouraging businesses to set higher standards, pursue innovation and strive for excellence in all aspects of their operations. Gareth Sweet, CEO of Sweet Project Holdings Ltd, winner of the Growth Company of the Year award, says so, noting the profound impact of the award on team morale and determination for future success.

“This recognition serves as a powerful reminder of the hard work and dedication each member of our team puts in every day. Looking ahead, we are inspired to continue striving for excellence, knowing that our efforts are recognized and valued. “The positive impact of this award has encouraged the determination and commitment of our team to achieve even greater success in the years to come.”

Awards director Sarah Austin says: “Every year we see an increasing number of British businesses enter the awards and it is truly fantastic to see businesses, employers and employees coming together to celebrate their incredible achievements over the past 12 months or so. further. So much so that this year we've added three new award categories to be even more inclusive and encompassing: the FTSE 100 Business of the Year Award, the Customer Loyalty Award and the New Founder of the Year Award.

“Times have been tough for British businesses in recent years, having experienced a global pandemic, the current cost of living crisis and even falling into a recession,” he reflects. “That companies have so much to celebrate and shout about is a true testament to the strength of the industry, the resilience of the British people and the passion that founders, CEOs, employees and partners have for the work that can be done to further drive the more the United Kingdom advances.”

Find out more about the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards 2024, the award categories and criteria and how to enter here

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