Bitcoin (BTC) Critic Nassim Taleb Teases His New U.Today Book

U.Today – Renowned academic, former options trader and risk analyst Nassim Nicholas Taleb is known to a wide audience thanks to his popular books “Black Swan”, “Antifragile”, “Skin in The Game”, etc.

Less than an hour ago, Taleb revealed the title of his next book and what it will be about in a post published on the social media platform

Taleb shared that his next book will be called The Lydian Stone (also known as the “touchstone”), which is a flint stone that ancient people used to check the quality of silver and gold. Regarding the topic of this new book, the academic wrote that it will be “partly about how humans get confused by sequences.” “It is also related to the arrow of time and entropy.”

Three years ago, Taleb dealt a strong blow to Bitcoin and became a critic of BTC. He tweeted that he had started selling his BTC. One of the reasons for this was its high volatility and he stated that a currency cannot be more volatile than the things you buy with it. He also stated that for him Bitcoin had not functioned as a store of value. Since then, he has been constantly criticizing BTC on his X account and once even referred to it as a tumor.

Given the amount of criticism he has poured out on Bitcoin, Taleb will most likely be able to mention Bitcoin in his new book.

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This article was originally published on U.Today.

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