BEVM Introduces Innovative Tap Root Consensus for Decentralized Bitcoin Layer 2 Solution by Chainwire

Cardiff, Canada, May 26, 2024, Chainwire

On May 20, 2024, the Layer2 development team BEVM published the yellow whitepaper titled “Taproot Consensus: A Decentralized BTC Layer2 Solution.” This paper details the implementation of Taproot Consensus, leveraging native Bitcoin technologies such as Schnorr signatures, MAST, and Bitcoin SPV nodes to build a fully decentralized BTC Layer2 solution. Taproot Consensus represents a significant leap in Bitcoin's native scalability, combining existing Bitcoin technologies in innovative ways without modifying Bitcoin's core code.

I. History of Bitcoin technical iterations

  • October 31, 2008: Satoshi Nakamoto published “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”, introducing Bitcoin and the concept of SPV (simple payment verification).
  • January 3, 2009: Nakamoto mined the Genesis block and launched Bitcoin. The original code used ECDSA for digital signatures instead of the more suitable Schnorr signatures, which were protected by patent at the time. Schnorr signatures retain all ECDSA functionality and security assumptions and can exceed ECDSA's 15 signature limit, allowing Bitcoin management with thousands of addresses without impacting signing speed.
  • 2018: Bitcoin's core developers proposed integrating Schnorr signatures into the Bitcoin network.
  • November 14, 2021: The Taproot update integrated Schnorr signatures and introduced MAST (Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees), enabling smart contract-like capabilities and decentralized multi-signature management.
  • BEVM's Taproot Consensus solution builds on these advancements, combining Schnorr and MAST signatures to manage multi-signature addresses and enable complex trading scenarios on Bitcoin Layer2.

II. Taproot Consensus Solution Overview:

The yellow document begins by highlighting the non-Turing complete nature of Bitcoin and its limited functionality for smart contracts. He advocates using existing Bitcoin capabilities to build a decentralized Layer2 solution rather than modifying Bitcoin Layer1.

BEVM's Taproot Consensus combines Bitcoin Taproot technology (Schnorr and MAST signatures), Bitcoin SPV light nodes, and the BFT PoS consensus mechanism to create a decentralized and consistent Layer2 network.

III. Detailed explanation of Taproot consensus architecture

The Taproot Consensus architecture consists of three main components: Schnorr+MAST, Bitcoin SPV, and Aura+Grandpa.

· Schnorr+MAST: It uses these technologies from the Taproot upgrade to achieve decentralized multi-signature management of Bitcoin powered by Bitcoin code.

· Bitcoin SPV: It allows synchronization and verification of Bitcoin transactions without running a full node.

· Aura + Grandfather: Advanced PoS consensus protocols for Byzantine fault tolerance, ensuring high consistency between network nodes.

In the BEVM system, each validator holds a BTC private key for Schnorr signatures. The aggregated public key forms a MAST tree, allowing BTC transfers and enrollments to the threshold signing address. Validators act as lightweight Bitcoin SPV nodes, synchronizing the state of the BTC network securely and permissionlessly. Aura+Grandpa guarantees the security and reliability of the Layer2 network, with assets managed by BFT consensus.

The operating principle of Taproot Consensus is: “In the BEVM system, each validator holds a BTC private key for Schnorr signatures. The Schnorr signatures feature enables efficient signature aggregation, thus improving the security and efficiency of the system. The key public aggregate Pagg, generated via the Musig2 multi-signature scheme, forms a large MAST (Merkle Abstract Syntax Tree) After generating the root hash of the MAST tree, validators perform BTC transfers and inscriptions at the threshold signature address. generated by the MAST tree, allowing data to be sent from the BTC mainnet to the BEVM network. Each validator also acts as a lightweight Bitcoin SPV (simplified payment verification) node, allowing them to synchronize securely and. without permission the state of the BTC network.

IV. Other technical details in the yellow document (OTC 🙂: true decentralization

The yellow document also details the implementation of Schnorr signatures, MAST, Bitcoin SPV light nodes and Aura+Grandpa, providing a complete technical outline for those interested in Bitcoin technologies. Explains the implementation of Musig2 and contrasts it with other BTC Layer2 projects such as Mezo, which uses the tBTC protocol. Unlike tBTC, which is based on a network of nine signatories, Taproot Consensus integrates multi-signature networks with the BFT PoS consensus, achieving true decentralization.

Additionally, the yellow document explains the Musig2 implementation process and the differences between other BTC Layer2 projects such as Mezo and Taproot Consensus. Mezo's underlying technical structure is based on the tBTC protocol, which uses Bitcoin's multi-signature to build a threshold signature network, offering high consistency compared to traditional distributed networks. However, tBTC still relies on a network of nine signatories, while a truly decentralized system should be consensus-driven, combining multi-signature networks with BFT PoS (Byzantine Fault Tolerance Proof of Stake) consensus mechanisms. This is the difference between distributed networks and blockchains; Distributed networks emphasize distribution but lack Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus, while blockchains, while also distributed networks, are driven by Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus, achieving true decentralization. The Taproot Consensus solution adopts this more advanced design. By integrating Schnorr signatures, MAST, Bitcoin SPV light nodes, and Aura and Grandpa Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus mechanisms, it builds a highly consistent and secure decentralized Layer2 scalability solution. This integration improves the scalability and usability of the Bitcoin network and ensures the security and consistency of the BEVM network.


The BEVM team's yellow whitepaper comprehensively describes Taproot Consensus, a Bitcoin Layer2 solution built entirely on native Bitcoin technologies. It respects and innovates on Bitcoin's original technological direction, making it a true evolution of Bitcoin's native scalability technology. As the Bitcoin ecosystem evolves, solutions like Taproot Consensus will be crucial to its development, serving as important cornerstones for truly decentralized Bitcoin Layer2 solutions.

About BEVM

BEVM is the first fully decentralized, EVM-compatible Bitcoin Layer 2 solution. It allows DApps in the ecosystem to operate with Bitcoin, using BTC as gas. BEVM enhances the utility of Bitcoin by providing a secure and scalable platform for decentralized applications. The system integrates advanced consensus mechanisms, cross-chain interaction, and strong data integrity to ensure a seamless experience. BEVM aims to innovate within the Bitcoin ecosystem by offering greater scalability, security, and compatibility with popular Ethereum tools and applications.

For more information, users can visit the BEVm official website or follow BEVM on Twitter.

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This article was originally published on Chainwire.

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